top online income streams

“What Are The Top Online Income Streams?”

One of the most commonly asked questions is:

“What are the Top online income streams?”

And the answer comes down to MJ Demarco’s 5 commandments of freedom:

C – Control (Do you control it?)
E – Entry (Do you have an edge?)
N – Need (Is there a demand?)
T – Time (Can it run without your attention?)
S – Scale (Does it have potential for infinite growth?)

Now, there are many different ways to make money online, but only a few check ALL the boxes.

It’s possible to make a full-time income without passing all these commandments, but that eats into your time and limits your potential.

As always, there are levels to this shit.

This is why the best source of online income is a landing page that converts.

(Sells a high quality product).

It’s a piece of online real estate.

If you don’t have your own product, you can start affiliate marketing a product you’re familiar with.

This lessens the control commandment, so you eventually want to move on to having your own product(s).

You want to own the:

Other Streams Of Income Include:

Let’s break em down.

1. Kindle books

These are a great way to show you what’s possible, but you ultimately don’t OWN the platform.

However, you can take advantage of Amazon’s traffic to sell your books 100% passively.

2. Subscriptions

These charge a recurring fee for access to premium content.

  • Private forums
  • Paid Newsletters
  • Secret blog posts
  • Videos
  • SAAS, etc.

3. E-Commerce

This checks all the boxes, but it requires more funds to run it.

If you’re strapped for cash, you’re better off starting a landing page. (You can always expand later).

4. Intellectual property

= your creations such as:

You create once and have it make money forever.

5. Private REIT’s

These are real estate investment shares managed by professionals. They give you all the benefits of owning real estate without the headaches of management. While this violates the “control” commandment, they make for a nice side income. You can get started at (no affiliate).

As you can see, there are many ways to make money online. However, the whole point is to maximize your *TIME* as well as your wealth.

This is accomplished through an efficient structure.

(Allowing you to make more than brands 60x+ your size while retaining your freedom).

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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