What Is The Real Meaning Of “F You Money”?

What Is The Real Meaning Of “F You Money”?

“F you money” is the holy grail of financial independence.

(Where you have so much that no one can tell you what to do).

However, what most people really want is the freedom that comes with it.

You see, HOW you make your money determines most of your life structure.

And this requires:

If you set up your money system to make cash flow independent of time, you will receive the benefits of “F you money” for a lot less.

Time = Money

(More specifically, quality of time freedom).

AKA The *value* of your time.

Time rich with systemized income is just as good as being financially rich because you can spend your time doing what you want.

(Which opens your time to scale your streams to infinity).

Most people never attain the position of F-U because they don’t understand the relationship between time and money.

They also build their “success” on a fragile base as rent-seekers in other people’s systems.

The Main Criteria Of F-U Cash Flow Is:

  • Systems independent of time
  • Systems with infinite scale
  • Systems you OWN

This is why I recommend having your own digital real estate as the best way to build F-U cash flow.

Other options such as real-estate work as well, but they’re far more restrictive.

Digital streams cost as low as $0 a month and can make $100k+ profit in the same time period.

You won’t find this kind of risk-reward ratio with ANY other method.

One thing’s for certain.

You will NEVER attain F-U money with a time-for-money exchange.

Would you rather make 100k+ with multiple streams of digital cash flow or 300k+ in a PC work environment with a micromanaging boss breathing down your neck?

(The options aren’t mutually exclusive either since digital cash flow has infinite scale).

Want to start getting these streams going?

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “What Is The Real Meaning Of “F You Money”?”

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