Check out this awesome video:
This is a lesson in the power of consistency.
A lot of people hate on “daily routines”, but that’s how you grow.
If ONE man can turn a desert island into a lush 1400 acre rainforest, then imagine what your efforts can do.
These lessons can be converted into metaphors.
- Desert island = the world of scarcity.
- Planting trees = making daily investments
- The return of wildlife = the abundant fruits of your efforts
These images provide powerful mental blueprints for your own development.
You can either accept the “desert island” as a permanent condition, or you can visualize the abundant future and make it happen with consistent motion.
Small actions compound exponentially.
All it takes is momentum.
The only catch is, you can’t procrastinate.
The longer you wait to plant your money trees, the longer they’ll take to bloom.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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