What’s good, it’s M.I.
Today I want to talk to you about ten themes I’ve noticed among extremely successful people.
- They optimize health and energy first
- Mindset is everything
- Learn copywriting and or sales
- Get obsessed with information and learning
- Get 10k internet cash flow ASAP
- Detach money from time
- Live below your means
- Pay everything in cash
- If you can’t buy it five times you can’t afford it
- Invest the rest
Let’s break them down.
1. Optimize Health And Energy First
Why is this number one?
It’s because everything depends on your energy.
It isn’t about time management, it’s about energy management.
You do that with:
- Diet
- Sleep
- Exercise
- And surrounding yourself with good influences
This keeps your vibes high and makes it easier to focus and get stuff done.
If you don’t do this and you neglect it, you’re going to be spinning your wheels forever.
2. Mindset Is Everything
Your mindset is the context / frame / paradigm you exist in.
All your decisions and behavior are revealed to you by how you see the world.
If you don’t see the world in an optimal way, a lot of those options will be blind to you.
(They’ll be hidden).
And then you’ll keep doing dumb shit and you’ll never really achieve anything.
3. Learn Copywriting And/Or Sales
What is copywriting?
Copywriting is sales in print.
Every time you see:
- A message
- TV commercial
- Or even a Youtube headline
It’s copywriting.
It’s the art of getting attention and converting it into results.
This is one of the highest value skills you can learn.
(And it will completely change your life).
I have some resources on my website you can use to learn it.
4. They’re Obsessed With Information And Learning
Learners are earners.
People get better results because they have access to better information.
You don’t get rewarded for knowing there’s a storm coming, you get rewarded for building arcs.
And how do you know when it’s time to do that?
You have access to better information.
Information is a hedge against chaos.
If you’re constantly consuming mainstream information, you’re pretty much consuming fast food.
(A fast food diet of information).
And it makes you mentally obese.
5. Get 10k Internet Cash Flow ASAP
It gives you:
- Time
- Location
- Financial freedom
Usually these kinds of opportunities were not available until recently.
What other kinds of cash flow give you this kind of freedom?
Not many…
And it’s scalable too so you don’t have to stop there.
6. Detach Money From Time
A trap a lot of people get into is that they end up working IN their business instead of ON their business.
They’re pretty much glorified employees.
(Only they have a lot more responsibility).
And they’re never really getting the freedom that they’re seeking.
When you detach money from time, you get paid in your sleep, and you get you can scale it based on performance.
When you get paid by the hour, you’re limited by your time.
You only have so much time, but you have unlimited scale.
And you achieve scale by:
7. Live Below Your Means
The first thing a lot of people do when they get a higher income is they start spending it all.
Living below your means doesn’t mean to penny pinch or save five dollars on Starbucks every day…
It means to live a good life but have some extra left over.
If you’re constantly underwater, you’re not really getting any kind of leverage whatsoever.
And leverage is one of the key ingredients in getting wealth.
Hustle does not make you wealthy, leverage does.
And a big way to attain this leverage is to detach your money from time.
8. Pay Everything In Cash
This is another way to make sure you don’t live beyond your means.
The only debt that’s sensible is if you’re using it to buy assets that pay you cash flow greater than the debt.
Consumer debt is a trap.
This is what poor people do.
They live beyond their means to try looking rich, and that’s how they end up never becoming rich.
9. If You Can’t Buy It 5x, You Can’t Afford It
This is another way to keep you from living beyond your means.
You don’t want to instantly start buying shit and loading up on recurring costs if it’s not getting you that leverage.
You need to get that leverage, at any cost.
10. Invest The Rest
Now that you have breathing room, you can do what you want with the rest to keep growing it.
Investing is for people who already have money…
Not for people who are trying to turn one cent into two.
You want to run your cash flow up first and then start investing, because that’s how you really make a difference.
If your focus isn’t on growing cash flow, you’re basically just playing on defense.
You want to play both offense and defense.
And a lot of people neglect this, which is why they never become wealthy.
I’ve noticed these 10 things among rich people I’ve known in real life and through watching interviews and everything.
These are the main principles that keep repeating.
So if you ignore them, you’re doing yourself a great disservice.
(And you’ll likely never become rich).
Have you noticed anything else?
If so, leave a comment.
Tell me what you think.
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And click link below to learn more.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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