What’s the value of self-amusement?
No frame is inherently above your own.
Innovations were made possible by people no more capable than yourself.
Everyone has their own unique vision, the only difference is some people have the balls to follow through with a plan of action.
Self-Amusement Is A Key Ingredient In
Realizing Your Potential
When the right foundation has been built within you, the whole world becomes your playground.
You already knew how to be happy when you were five years old.
Who are other people to tell you what to like or what clothes to wear?
As your frame strengthens, it becomes easier to express things freely.
You’ll stop caring whether other people laugh at your jokes or like your music.
When you reach a certain point, life truly feels like a revival of that childish wonder / curiosity.
At the same time, the adult mind allows you to steer this energy into productive outlets.
Life Is A Celebration
- Turn up the music.
- Sing in your car.
- Dance in public.
- Laugh at yourself.
- Laugh at others.
You’d be surprised how many people lack joy in their lives.
Let social interactions act as opportunities for you to share your energy with others.
It can really brighten up someone’s day when you jolt them out of the drudgery of their routines.
People are so scared of being judged that they stick to socially approved scripts:
- Where are you from?
- What’s your job?
- Blah Blah Blah
No one gives a shit about any of that stuff.
Interact For The Sake Of Self-Amusement
Do it for yourself.
Leave the people alone who react negatively.
If you act a fool to gain approval, it’ll backfire.
Don’t force rapport.
Don’t try to entertain people on purpose.
Find your inner-child that lives within you, and let him out.
(This can be done in an aloof or energetic manner).
It’s possible to use that energy for your benefit.
People miss the spontaneous attitudes of their childhoods.
They want to be around those who love themselves.
How Do People Who Love Themselves Act?
Out of self-amusement.
It takes a high-value man who’s comfortable with himself to bring this kind of simple enjoyment back into peoples’ lives.
This type of attitude is especially attractive to women.
Self-amusement often occurs right on the edge of your comfort zone, making it ideal for growth.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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