How to develop boundaries?
Possessing a solid frame is about understanding your limits.
However, the mainstream narrative often tells you to disregard violations.
- Can’t we all just get along?
- Can’t we just disregard each others’ bad behavior?
- Everyone must be treated equally regardless of how they treat you!
- Everyone’s emotional needs must be met!
If someone crosses you once, they’ll definitely cross you again.
The ability to identify and avoid snakes is a survival mechanism.
Avoid this instinct at your own peril.
People will tell you what you want to hear, but their actions never lie.
When someone shits on your principles do you charge them to the game or do you continue to grace them with your presence?
Prioritize Your Time And The People You Spend It With
As soon as you wake up to the fact that you’re always on your own, it becomes a non-issue to cut people out of your reality.
How you regard yourself has a huge impact on where you end up in life.
Boundaries mean nothing unless they’re enforced.
People will push you until you push back.
If you never meet your limits, you’ll never meet yourself.
Why waste your time with people who aren’t on the same page as you?
Do you accept low-lives into your circle or do you demand more for yourself?
The Same Principle Applies To Sexual Relationships
There comes a time when you must put a girl on ice when she’s being a bitch.
The more familiar you become to a girl, the more she’ll feel comfortable sprinkling subtle (or not so subtle) jabs of disrespect into your interactions.
She may take longer to reply to your texts than she usually did, she may do less for you than she previously did, etc.
What’s the problem?
The absence of respect.
A girl who doesn’t fear loss doesn’t value you. What’s readily accessible isn’t valuable.
The solution?
- Ignore her texts.
- Go ghost for a week or two.
- Flirt with other women in front of her, etc.
- Never forget, YOU are the prize and she’s privileged to hang out (have sex) with you.
Boundaries arise out of inner-strength.
A man without boundaries isn’t a man at all.
It doesn’t matter if you’re chilling with the hottest girl on earth…
If she violates, she has to go.
Life’s all about moving forward, and the only way to do so is to toss all dead-weight overboard.
Remind People Of Your Value If They Try To
Take You For Granted
It’s pretty ridiculous when you stop being a dickhead for a bit people start seeing you as weak.
Again, life’s all about balance.
Too much alpha will alienate you from everyone, while too much beta will have people stomp all over your nutsack.
Vulnerability is a tool much like game, but like a rare potent spice it must be used sparingly.
You can never share weak emotions with other people.
Doing so is like ripping out your beating heart and handing it to a starved and salivating beast.
The Lack Of A Strong Inner Core Will Have The World Push You Around For The Rest Of Your Life
You CAN get rid of toxic people.
You CAN sculpt your own reality.
You CAN demand more for yourself.
However, the only way to do so is to have an unshakeable foundation.
Initial setbacks can be extremely discouraging.
Your surroundings gradually re-arrange themselves when your mindset changes.
Fuck feelings.
Fuck stagnation.
Fuck pity.
You Must Decide Now What You Will Tolerate
Within Your World
- Who do you want to associate with?
- What kind of women do you want to fuck?
- What kind of lifestyle do you want to live?
Your boundaries will act as a map through which you will navigate these unforgiving waters.
A lack thereof will have you tossed about for the rest of your aimless life.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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