What creates success?
Putting in work is the greatest way to bring purpose to your life.
Every single person has the potential to realize their life’s task, yet many are unaware of the power within them.
It’s easy to get bogged down by your surroundings and well-intentioned bad advice…
After all, we live in an age of information overload.
While it’s never been easier to find the answers you seek, you must first sort through a lot of irrelevant bullshit.
These 5 rules of success will help guide you through the noise.
1. Time Is The Most Valuable Resource
You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.
As soon as you recognize the value of your own time, you’ll stop spending it on people who don’t respect what you bring to the table.
This goes for both men and women.
A man who values his time naturally aims to self-actualize.
Sure you could hang out with people who are “chill” with you, but life’s about so much more than that.
It’s a lot more rewarding to spend time in a stimulating environment with people who inspire you.
Our world offers endless options, and the only way to find your path is to prioritize your time.
Think of it as an investment.
2. Look At A Person’s Results Before You Take Their Advice
Anyone can have a passionate opinion about something, regardless of how informed they actually are.
Words mean next to nothing.
They arise out of a person’s frame and serve as a means to describe their experience.
Getting into arguments is pointless.
A sexless white-knight loser is dedicated to his lifestyle because he believes he’s right regardless of his results.
If you want to self-actualize, you must incorporate the beliefs of high-value individuals into your own life.
How do you find these people?
(Skin in the game).
3. Don’t Expect Progress To Be Linear
Golden opportunities don’t fall into your lap.
You must actively work towards such moments on a daily basis.
Follow up on the things that speak to your core.
Temporary sacrifices are all part of the process.
Chances for advancement are infinite in their abundance.
Your number one goal should always be to find out as much as possible.
Don’t expect things to happen instantly…
Progress is forged through dedication if not obsession.
4. Don’t Wait On Circumstances To Be Perfect To Take Action
The playing field will never be 100% favorable.
While some days will yield more fruitful results with less effort, it’s when you stagnate that your focus is needed most.
What this comes down to is possessing the strong inner-game necessary to withstand the inevitable ups and downs of this changing universe.
Sometimes you may lose sight of the big picture and focus exclusively on immediate pain and lack.
However, it doesn’t matter if you lose motivation as long as you keep going through the motions.
Throw yourself into your arena and adapt as you go.
Circumstances will BECOME ideal as long as you make them so.
5. Take Note Of Who You Spend The Most Time Around
This principle gives you important feedback about where your thought patterns and lifestyle choices have led you.
If you spend the majority of your time with low-achieving losers, that makes you one of them.
You can change your direction in life by associating with people who possess the traits that you would like to have.
We tend to absorb the most prevalent mannerisms of our immediate social environments.
Having a growth mindset lets you vibe better among social circles who think similarly.
Like always attracts like.
These principles seem so simple, yet many people fail to use them properly.
Much of realizing your own high value has to do with shedding all dead weight.
- Cutting off losers
- Stop wasting time
- Ignoring bad advice
The rest has to do with taking conscious and concentrated action while staying mentally grounded.
There’s nothing wrong about optimizing your potential.
As time ticks away one second at a time, you’ll have to rely on your internal roadmap (principles) to make some key decisions…
What path will you choose?
P.S. Click the button below to learn more about achieving success on your own terms.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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