Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
-Joseph Murphy
Every person lives a narrative shaped by experience.
This reference point is an important component of “ego”, “identity”, and “frame”.
The stories we tell ourselves are rarely 100% accurate due to the subjective nature of living life as observers.
Everyone has an incomplete view of the world, but we form a complete narrative to fill the gaps.
Your personal myth often unconsciously dismisses the holes in its story to maintain it.
The story itself is NOT REAL.
It’s just a way to “connect the dots”.
“Dots” = events / reference points in your life.
When you change the thread (story) connecting them, you change your experience / self-image.
Growth arises out of your ability to make changes in your narrative.
The Power Of Narrative: A Story
2 brothers grow up in a trap house full of drug addicts, violence, and chaos.
1 becomes a successful entrepreneur.
1 becomes a drug dealing gang member.
When asked why, both said:
“How could I become anything else due to my upbringing?”
The gang member chose to become a victim to his surroundings and upbringing.
The entrepreneur chose to use his experiences as a fuel for growth.
Same circumstances, different narrative, different outcome.
Everything you experience can either be an advantage or disadvantage.
Perspective and action will dictate what they develop into.
The choice is yours.
All The Pieces Of Your Mind Must Work In Harmony For You To Create Your Ideal Lifestyle
The story you subconsciously identify with ultimately attracts your lifestyle and surroundings.
It takes a lot of repetition of both thoughts and reference experiences for this alignment to successfully improve.
You hypnotize and sell yourself every day with your self-talk.
This is why foundational changes can never be faked.
The mind-body dichotomy allows you to fool the subconscious mind to a degree, but it takes complete and total commitment to truly alter your narrative.
The conscious mind has a lot of power in exerting control, but it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Your programming produces more of your results than your conscious thinking does.
The Subconscious Will Fight The Conscious If Its Objectives Don’t Align
Your narrative is the bridge linking the conscious and subconscious minds.
It dips into both of them.
Quietening the conscious mind (ego) via meditation allows your subconscious (intuition) to speak louder.
This helps you understand how your auto-pilot is programmed.
Once your unconscious tendencies become apparent, you can take conscious action to sculpt them to reflect your goals.
We all have the ability to optimize our personal narratives, but to do so we have to align our egos with our intuition.
Actualization arises as the result of shaping your overall perspective (conscious and subconscious narrative) to react in a valuable way to outside events.
“Man is what he thinks all day long.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
One Of Life’s Biggest Turning Points Is When You Realize You’re Sitting In The Driver’s Seat Of Your Own Narrative
Before I hit that moment, I had largely allowed others to steer the wheel because my narrative didn’t fully acknowledge the power of personal responsibility.
I’ve since taken the appropriate steps to invest in the quality of my consciousness.
(And you can also do the same).
Your surroundings have a strong influence on your narrative because of their proximity, but nobody has ultimate control over your perspective besides yourself.
You must strive to remove every false disconnect blocking you from channeling the optimized self within.
What Is The Structure Of Narrative?
A narrative is a series of questions and answers.
You ask yourself a question and receive an answer.
The nature of your question contains the answer.
By asking higher quality questions, you get better answers (which allows you to get better results).
Many people are stuck because their questions aren’t allowing them to move forward.
To construct a better narrative, start with asking yourself better questions.
Condition Your Mind To Tell A Better Story
Personal narrative is frame.
The stories you tell yourself and narratives you believe are intricately connected to your attention.
They shape your beliefs and perspectives.
When you immerse yourself in stories of triumph, resilience, and courage, you awaken those qualities within yourself.
The only thing holding you back from getting what you want is the bullshit story (cope) you keep telling yourself about it.
By building a better script, you’re able to get a better outcome.
A powerful story is one of the most important assets you will ever own.
(And you can craft one right this second).
You’ll never be your best self until the storyteller within your mind assumes a genuine high value perspective.
Change your inner-dialogue (narrative).
Change your self-image.
Change your attitude.
Change your results.
- Every person lives a narrative
- This story isn’t real, it just connects the dots and helps make sense of things
- What is real = how the story makes you act
- Personal change is hard if it doesn’t match your subconscious story
- Investing in the quality of your consciousness allows you to take control of your own story
- The building blocks of your narrative are questions and answers
- Ask better questions (use better framing), get better answers
- The stories you identify with / absorb unleash similar qualities within you
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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