high personal standards

Why It’s Important To Have High Personal Standards

“In order to be successful you must establish personal standards of thinking and behavior that are more demanding and exacting than those of conventional society.”

-Jack Canfield

High personal standards lead to a higher quality of life.

Your standards for what you accept within your life determine everything about you.

  1. What kind of purpose do you live for?
  2. What kind of income is acceptable for you?
  3. What kind of hygiene do you hold yourself to?
  4. Where do you invest your time and attention?
  5. What kind of conduct do you expect from yourself?
  6. What level of physical fitness do you demand for yourself?
  7. What kind of behavior do you tolerate from the people you associate with?

All these standards emerge out of your quality of mind.

When you hold yourself to certain standards in one aspect of life, you raise your standards in the others.

Self-worth (internal value) is the key ingredient in maintaining these standards.

Altering The Quality Of Your Internal World
Alters Your Baseline Of “Normal”

There’s a great quote that says:

When a mental paradigm shift occurs, the whole world is remade.

Environments appear different depending on who perceives it.

The more you focus on certain things within your surroundings, the more these things expand within your reality.

Everything Outside Your Standards Doesn’t Enter Your Tunnel Of Awareness

An abundant-minded person would never work for minimum wage because he knows he’s capable of more.

Applying for such positions would never even cross his mind.

This is not done out of some snobby sense of grandiosity, but rather a visceral understanding of his own abilities.

He knows his worth and knows what people will pay him for it.

Similarly, when it comes to dating, high-value men don’t waste time talking to fat / unattractive / bitchy women.

Why would a high-value man want anything to do with a woman who can’t hold herself to a minimum threshold of respectability?

High Standards Are Necessary To Achieve Anything Above Average In Life

You can’t have higher goals without higher standards for conduct.

This doesn’t mean that you should expect something for nothing or for people to “love you for your (low-value) self”…

What it really means is to live your life in a valuable manner.

Instead of looking for the answers, you must become the answer.

Want access to more powerful insights?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

5 thoughts on “Why It’s Important To Have High Personal Standards”

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