Looking For Business Ideas? Here’s How You Can Profit From The Obvious

Looking For Business Ideas? Here’s How You Can Profit From The Obvious

 You’ve heard the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

This is because wants are often subjective.

If you’re looking for business ideas, the answer can be right in front of your face.

Specific kinds of (niche) value can be invisible to you when you aren’t in the market for them.

Take tumbleweeds for instance.

Yes, that’s right. Those clumps of “desert dust”.

Most locals from that area would regard them as value-less.

However, when presented to outsiders, they take on new novelty.

Now, what would happen if a business used the power of the internet to sell this exotic “desert dust” to people around the world?

This is exactly what someone from Kansas did.

His tumbleweeds are selling so well, they’re flying off the shelves.

(Making a 7 figure income).

This was an obvious solution sitting right in front of everyone’s face, and yet only one man saw the gold.

  • He took the abundance from his immediate environment
  • Packaged it well
  • And created a blue ocean market.

You see, the internet allows you to be niche at scale.

The reach is so large you can create businesses out of the most basic solutions.

What is something abundant in your world that could have greater value in another?

When you find the answer, sell it on your digital platform.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

4 thoughts on “Looking For Business Ideas? Here’s How You Can Profit From The Obvious”

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