cold email mastery course review

Cold Email Mastery Course Review

Tired of rising ad costs?

Unreliable ad platforms?

And being reliant on social media?

Turns out there’s a better way to get leads.

Enter: Cold Email Mastery

Let’s cut to the chase.

The absolute core of any biz or deal requires nothing more than a simple message.


The problem is, most people have no idea to go about it.

They have no clue how to:

  1. Find the contact info of a decision maker
  2. Send them an appropriate message
  3. Close them on their offer

And my friend Cold Email Wizard has put together a course explaining how to do it right.

In an era where the average DM goes something like:

  • “hey”
  • “plz send money”
  • “send bobs and vagene”

It’s never been easier to stand out.

But where to start?

Cold Email Mastery: Finding Contact Info

The very first ingredient of sending a good message is contacting the right person.

But someone who has the authority to make financial decisions (i.e. cut you a check).

These are people like:

  1. CEO’s
  2. Founders
  3. Owners, etc.

And cold email mastery has several modules showing you exactly how to legally scrape their contact info in any niche of your choice.

Cold Email Mastery: Sending The Right Message

Ok, you have a spreadsheet of high-value contact info. What now?

Put yourself in their shoes.

These are extremely busy people who value their time.

They won’t even look at your message if it doesn’t speak their language.

You want to craft messages that:

  1. Get attention
  2. Raise interest
  3. Get responses

And this course gives you a foolproof formula that explains how.

If you neglect this step, all the high-value contact info you gathered becomes useless.

Cold Email Mastery: Closing Deals

Now that you know how to scrape contact info, send tasteful messages, and get responses, it’s time to close.


By making them an offer they can’t refuse.

Not only should your offer remove all risk on their side, it should also add value regardless of your outcome.

In other words, make your offer a mic drop.

Cold email mastery explains how to do it.

The course also shows you how to systemize the fulfillment of this process so you can keep your time free.

The Results?

There’s a reason why this course has 815+ Five star ratings and is a Gumroad bestseller.

Hundreds of people have signed 4 figure retainer client deals and changed their lives forever.

Some have got to $10k/month in 5 weeks.

Some are rising out of 3rd world poverty with ZERO online experience.

testimonial cold email

Some have signed $80k/mo retainer clients.

cold email mastery testimonial

Others have even closed BILLIONAIRES.

cold email mastery billionaire

Even if you aren’t running an agency, being able to generate these conversations is a priceless ability.

Even multi-millionaire media moguls like Gary Vee don’t know how to do this.

gary vee

Imagine the doors this opens for you…

High value skill + Ability to help people already making a lot of money = $$$$$$$$$$$$$

The Downside?

This course is primarily focused on B2B marketing.

  • Agency services
  • Lead gen
  • Etc

If you’re selling B2C it won’t be as directly applicable.

However, learning how to find the info of decision makers + sending cold messages properly is universally valuable.

After all, when was the last time you received a cold message that really got your attention (let alone motivated you to take action)?

Maybe 1 out of 100,000?

If you become one of the rare few who know how to pull this off, it could give you an edge few will ever touch.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.