This Alcoholic Chain-Smoking Son Of A Bitch Is Making Hella Bands

Are you wasting your time?

It seems like every day you hear that

  • Work ethic
  • Credentials
  • Humility

Are all required to make a lot of money.

But what if I told you this was NOT the case at all.

While these things are nice, they aren’t the key ingredients.

Let me explain.

When my bro was in high school, he worked at a Frozen Yogurt place.

Like this one.

And the owner came in daily.

Only, the owner didn’t do any work at all.

He spent most of his time:

  1. Chain smoking
  2. Hanging with homeless people
  3. Drinking liquor in his car

If you didn’t know he owned the shopping center, you would have assumed he was homeless.

Yet, his income was higher than anyone else at the plaza where the store was located.

Imagine that…

A man who preferred to live the bum lifestyle was making the most money because he owned a powerful asset.

You see, when your systems are in place and their


You can live as you choose and still come out on top.

And the best part is, you don’t have to own physical stores to wield the same kind of asset power.

Digital real estate is FAR more cost effective.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

1 thought on “This Alcoholic Chain-Smoking Son Of A Bitch Is Making Hella Bands”

  1. Pingback: What Is The Key To Wealth Building? - Mister Infinite

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