what is the life force 8

“What Is The Life Force 8?”

What is the life force 8?

It’s the 8 deep underlying incentives that run human decision making.

  1. Survival, enjoyment of life, life extension
  2. Enjoyment of food and beverages
  3. Freedom from fear, pain, and danger
  4. Sexual companionship
  5. Comfortable living conditions
  6. To be superior, winning, keeping up with the Joneses
  7. Care and protection of loved ones
  8. Social approval

These incentives are part of our “biological hardware“.

They are impossible to remove.

All decisions revolve around 1 or more of them.

How Does The Life Force 8 Impact You?

Since life revolves around them, it’s important to view human interaction through their lens.

All these incentives come first no matter what kind of excuses people have.

They are the true universal language everyone speaks.

If you ignore them, you will have a hard time:

How To Use Them To Your Benefit?

If you’re making an offer to someone and don’t tie it to one or more of these incentives, no one will care.

The first question people ask in their minds is always:

What’s in it for me?

If you can’t give them an answer, your offer is trash.

If you can fulfill the exact incentives they’re craving, you’ll be flooded with buyers.

That’s how important it is.

You see, people are more than “demographics”.

Their real core is made up of “psychographics”

  • lifestyle
  • personality
  • thought process
  • deep primal drivers

all of which are downstream of “the life force 8”.

That’s what you speak to.

When you understand the root causes, you can follow them to their conclusion.

(And position yourself accordingly).


You now understand the 8 drivers of human behavior.

These incentives are the “invisible hardware” running our reality.

When you leverage them properly, you will create a better life than you could have ever dreamed of.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

7 thoughts on ““What Is The Life Force 8?””

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