Everything comes with a price.
Nothing in life is free.
Everyone makes sacrifices.
We all:
- Take “L’s”
- Deal with pain
- Have to make hard choices
The only difference is, you get to choose whether any of these add up to a massive win.
It all depends on your path and lifestyle.
You either:
- Sacrifice your normie / wagie life
- Sacrifice your dream
You don’t get to avoid sacrifice…
You get to choose which sacrifice to make.
Our time / attention / energy is limited.
This is the ultimate constraint that forces decision making.
At the bare minimum, you pay with time + attention.
If you put your time in one place, you can’t put it elsewhere.
It’s like shining a laser pointer.
The dot can only hit one target at a time.
And if that target isn’t serving you, you’re seriously fucking up.
The “sacrifice” is everything you’re removing your attention from.
Here’s Why It Isn’t Always A Bad Thing
If you’re removing your attention from everything you don’t want, are you really “sacrificing” anything at all?
If you don’t care about:
- Hanging with loser IPA buddies
- Surface level “relationships”
- Watching “the big game”
- Playing fantasy league
- Playing video games
You gain all that time + energy to build your dreams.
This is a serious unfair advantage over everyone who’s drowning in bloat that doesn’t serve them.
Tons of people are carrying 100’s of pounds of dead weight without realizing it.
And the crazy thing is?
Many of them don’t even care for the dead weight at all.
It’s simply “there”.
They never took 5 minutes to sit down and audit their lives.
The Solution?
It all comes down to priorities and having a clear code for conduct.
Everything you won’t “sacrifice” takes you out of alignment with your dream.
You just have to choose what timeline you want to live on and then disown all the others.
Want to learn more?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.