lessons from the life of james goldstein

Famous Playboys: Lessons From The Life Of James Goldstein

Who is James Goldstein?

He’s an American businessman worth 350+ million who owns the iconic Sheats-Goldstein residence in LA.

(Which was featured in films such as Charlie’s Angels and The Big Lebowksi).

Legends such as Kanye West, Kobe Bryant, and many more have all come to visit his home.

Recently, he even added a world-renowned nightclub into the home which is praised by A-list celebs.

Model girls flow through on a daily basis.

He has an extensive collection of clothes from all the top designers, and has become a style icon due to his distinctive look.

He also travels all around the world to the best locales and finest hotels whenever he wants.

Quite simply, the man lives a life many dream of living.

And he credits his success to his eccentric philosophy.

Let’s take a deeper look at the lessons from the life of James Goldstein.

How Did He Acquire His Wealth?

James started out by working in real estate.

Then, he shifted into making his own investments.

One of which was acquiring several trailer parks.

This is a portfolio of cash flowing assets that allows him to live free.

“I never wanted to be a billionaire, I just wanted to be free.”

-James Goldstein.

He Optimized His Life Structure For Freedom.

“Freedom means I can go wherever I want, do whatever I want to do.

I can decide tomorrow I’m going to the other side of the planet somewhere.

There’s no one dictating to me when and what I can do.”

-James Goldstein

In his free time, he enjoys watching basketball, relaxing with models at home, and traveling to clubs / fashion shows in Europe.

This inspired him to build a club in his own house.

Revolve Your Life Around Themes And Take Them To The Extreme

“Take your passion all the way.

Don’t just dabble in 20 different things.

Decide what really interests you and then take it as far as it can go.”

-James Goldstein

His themes are:

  1. Architecture
  2. Fashion
  3. Basketball
  4. Clubbing

Definitely a unique combo.

He has unified these themes into one purpose, which is maximizing his iconic home.

This is his mission.

It’s what fills him with life / vibrancy and keeps him young.

Embrace What’s Different About You

“People in general are afraid to be different. They feel more secure if they’re like everyone else around them.

I’m not that way. I don’t have insecurity problems. I’m willing to take chances and I feel good about that.

I like to go beyond what anyone else is doing.

The constant challenge I create for myself could be viewed as limiting, but I don’t look at it that way. I welcome the challenge.

If something is very fulfilling, that’s all I’m looking for. I don’t rank happiness.”

-James Goldstein

James followed his intuition and built a life true to himself.

Even at 82+ years old, he’s more full of life than people a quarter of his age.

(And he’s still swooping their broads + beating them at Tennis).


  1. Acquire cash flowing assets
  2. Optimize your lifestyle for freedom
  3. Go deep on the few things that interest you most
  4. Unify them into one purpose / mission
  5. Embrace what’s different about you

Want to learn more about how to get cash flowing assets?

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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