“Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.”
-Jim Rohn
The public school system has failed you.
It isn’t designed to make you successful.
It’s a farm / assembly line growing crops to be burned for profit and power.
It’s pretty much a daycare that wants to create obedient drones.
And it does this by giving you a rigged “belief system” instead of an education.
The good news is, there is a way to undo all this mental damage.
But first, let’s look at how it all began.
How The School System Started
The public school system was created by a think-tank group in the 1840’s.
(Literally whipped up in a lab).
Its purpose?
To serve as a standardized model meant to train workers during the industrial revolution.
This became known as the Prussian factory system.
(Mimicking an assembly line).
“Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters have wished.
The new education must completely destroy freedom of will in the soil which it undertakes to cultivate, and produce on the contrary strict necessity in the decisions of the will, the opposite being impossible. Such a will can be relied on with confidence and certainty.
The schools must fashion the person, and fashion him in such a way that he simply cannot will otherwise than what you wish him to will.”
– Johann Gottlieb Fichte
They Use Conditioning To Train You Like A Dog.
This is called “Pavlovian conditioning” where a stimulus is paired with a stimulus.
(Training involuntary responses).
- Bell rings at certain times
- Defer to central authority figure
- Etc
They also use “Operant conditioning” which is reward / punishment.
(Training voluntary responses).
- Adopting “right methods / answers” from credentialed “experts”
- Asking for permission to go to the bathroom
- Having to sit still, be quiet, watch and listen.
Conditioning bad habits meant to turn you into a NPC wagie.
Bad habits which include:
- Thinking in terms of linear rewards
- Focusing on quantity of time in class vs. quality of the lessons.
- Thinking in terms of an hourly wage AKA time for money exchange.
In reality, nothing worthwhile in life comes as the result of these things.
(And if you expect it to be, you will be 1000000000x more likely to give up).
All these habits put you on a path where it’s literally impossible to become rich.
This is the frame most people are operating from.
They’ve been psy-oped into a fake reality with invisible walls.
School Discourages:
- Coloring outside the lines
- Getting work done fast
- Simple writing
- Free thinking
- Outlier traits
- Taking risk
- Creativity
- Curiosity
all the shit that actually makes you the real money.
Instead, school teaches you:
- “sCiEnCe”
- Hatred of wealth
- Math you don’t need
- Victimhood / Guilt / Shame
- Ineffective complicated writing
- A Disney fairytale version of “history”
- Irrelevant info (i.e. which Dinosaurs were vegan)
All these things install massive fucking mental chains that will take a minimum of 5+ years to undo.
(If actively worked on).
And most let the programming drown them.
Who Is “Teaching” / Babysitting You?
Midwits lecturing you how to be “successful” in life.
This violates one of the main success principles.
(Always look at a person’s results before you take their advice).
How many “biz teachers” have started a successful biz?
- History class = fake
- Food pyramid = wrong
- Social dynamics = PC BS
- Personal finance = non existent
- Right answer = your weesh teacher’s opinion
To top this off, a lot of the “criticism” they give you is projection from hating their lives.
You have the nerve to exist, and they perceive it as a slight.
Everything About School Is Designed To Break + Cuck You:
- Mentally
- Physically
- Spiritually
- Emotionally
So you become mindless tax cattle for your masters.
This creates a “matrix ego”.
A fake self you’ve been conditioned to play.
Who are you really?
The person you were at ages 0-5.
And the crazy thing?
You can reject the fake self at any time.
Problem is, most don’t reject it because they’ve grown dependent / attached to it.
It’s “comfortable” because it’s familiar.
(And does 99.99999% of your thinking for you).
The only way out?
Write a new script / narrative.
You have to un-learn the bullshit and re-program yourself.
The Solution?
Give yourself a custom education.
1 of the biggest secrets in life is that there’s an entire universe outside the wagie world.
(A secret society).
- Most normies don’t know this world exists
- Grade school doesn’t teach it
- College doesn’t teach it
If you’re aware, you got the MF cheat code.
Making $ is stupid easy, but school conditioned you to think it’s hard.
The world wants you to accept less.
If you’re relying on your default programming / “education” to get you places, you’re in for a hard time.
If you want:
- Time + location + financial freedom
- To swoop bad bitches
- To be ripped
you have to go to the people who know how to do it themselves.
(Which is why I created this website).
Someone who hasn’t achieved it can’t tell you how to do it.
- The public school system was meant for factory workers
- It trains you like a dog and discourages traits that make you successful
- It fills your head with “education” (chains) that makes you a dependent slave
- Create your own narrative + re-claim the authentic you
- There’s an entire universe outside of the 9-5 wagie world
- Learn from people who have achieved what you want to become
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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