
screenwriting techniques for copywriting

9 Screenwriting Secrets That Will Instantly Transform You into a Copywriting Genius

Screenwriting is an art that involves: Capturing the audience’s attention Evoking emotions And telling a compelling story all within a limited amount of time. Whether it’s: A feature film A television series Or a short film screenwriting involves a unique set of skills and techniques that manage attention / engagement and make stories memorable. Interestingly, …

9 Screenwriting Secrets That Will Instantly Transform You into a Copywriting Genius Read More »

gary halbert challenge

The Gary Halbert Copywriting Challenge: Mastering the Art of Persuasion

Gary Halbert, often hailed as one of the greatest copywriters of all time, left an indelible mark on the world of direct response marketing. His teachings, anecdotes, and practical advice have influenced countless copywriters, marketers, and entrepreneurs. Among his many contributions, the Gary Halbert Copywriting Challenge stands out as a unique exercise designed to hone …

The Gary Halbert Copywriting Challenge: Mastering the Art of Persuasion Read More »

The Art of Persuasion: Crafting Copy That Drives Action

In the world of marketing and advertising, good copy is often misunderstood. Many believe that well-written copy should leave readers in awe, admiring the cleverness or elegance of the prose. However, effective copywriting isn’t about garnering praise for its literary qualities. Instead, it’s about prompting readers to take immediate action. The true measure of successful …

The Art of Persuasion: Crafting Copy That Drives Action Read More »

history of direct response

Unraveling the History of Direct Response Marketing

“Knowing the history of the industry you’re in is one of prerequisites for making real money in it.” -Dan Kennedy In the bustling landscape of marketing, where strategies evolve and trends shift like the sands of time, one approach has stood the test: Direct Response Marketing. It’s a tapestry woven with threads of innovation, consumer …

Unraveling the History of Direct Response Marketing Read More »

business lessons from david ogilvy

7 Business Principles From David Ogilvy (Legendary Ad Tycoon)

David Ogilvy revolutionized marketing in the 20th century. Here are his 7 top business principles. (Which will make you more $$$ and better at life). 1. Command Respect “Our offices must always be headed by the kind of people who command respect. Not phonies, zeros or bastards.“ Everyone you associate with is a representation of …

7 Business Principles From David Ogilvy (Legendary Ad Tycoon) Read More »

“What Are The 5 Stages Of Customer Awareness?”

Customer awareness is split into 5 different segments: Unaware (ice cold traffic) Problem Aware (cold traffic) Solution Aware (warm traffic) Product Aware (hot traffic) Most Aware (sizzling hot traffic) You don’t market to 1 segment like the others. You want to create different messaging / content for each part of your funnel so your conversions …

“What Are The 5 Stages Of Customer Awareness?” Read More »

business lessons from arnold schwarzenegger

How To Become A Multi-Millionaire In Your 20’s – Business Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger

“Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor, movie star, bodybuilder. We know him as a man of many talents, but by the time Arnie hit the silver screen, he had already been a millionaire for 10 years. Huh??? …

How To Become A Multi-Millionaire In Your 20’s – Business Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger Read More »

swipe file ammo

Swipe File Ammo: 1400+ Headlines, Calls To Action, Power Words, and Transitions To Help Increase Conversions, Improve Communication, Command Attention, And Make More Money

Did you know 75%+ of sales are decided by headline alone? It’s true. Your money’s already out there, all you have to do is give the right presentation to attract it. It just so happens I’ve packaged all the headlines you need to plant massive trees of value. PDF Paperback Amazon Kindle If you really …

Swipe File Ammo: 1400+ Headlines, Calls To Action, Power Words, and Transitions To Help Increase Conversions, Improve Communication, Command Attention, And Make More Money Read More »

swipe file

What Everybody Ought To Know – About Making A Swipe File

Determine the DNA of success, then inject it into your own work. -Michael Masterson How would you like to rapidly increase your skills in your chosen field? There’s a fantastic and easy way to do so. It’s called keeping a “swipe file”. Before I started using one, making progress felt like bashing my head with …

What Everybody Ought To Know – About Making A Swipe File Read More »