How can you develop a cool and ENGAGING demeanor?
A major ingredient in a winning attitude is a general aloofness towards other people.
However, this aloofness needs to be combined with a strong presence in order to be effective.
The “too-cool-for-school” guy sitting alone at the bar not talking to anyone is definitely NOT getting laid.
You Can Only Take Aloofness So Far Before You’re Overlooked Entirely
Think of all the invisible losers of the world.
Do you think aloofness will help them get girls?
- No Presence / Power + Aloofness = celibacy
- No Presence / Power – Aloofness = dancing monkey
- Presence / Power – Aloofness = clown game (effective, but could be better)
- Presence / Power + Aloofness = deadly tight game
The best way to be aloof and present is to throw out occasional crumbs of conversation that leave people wanting more.
Engage conversation, but then withdraw your attention to a neutral level.
(Unless you disprove).
A winner surveys his domain while others attempt to qualify themselves to him.
Their world takes place in a much smaller sphere engulfed by his own.
Appearing distracted by more important things, he’s entirely absorbed within his world.
True aloofness comes naturally when you are focusing on your self.
When you’re engaged in moving forward, the drama from other people ceases to interest you.
Why would you ever suck up to others?
Why do you care about the next man’s hustle?
Be About Yourself And Your Journey
Having internalized a proper aloof frame will have you approach interactions much differently than your average loser.
Instead of thinking:
“omg she’s sooo hawt…
I need to qualify myself”
You think:
“She might be interesting…
Let’s see what she has to offer”.
An aloof man doesn’t get offended when others don’t mesh with his reality.
It’s ultimately their loss for missing out on his value.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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Great info. I found myself naturally doing this without even realizing it throughout most of my life. The problem was I was sometimes too aloof and hardly engaged in the conversational aspect of it. When I added that in I could notice a difference in how I was seen by others.
An excellent place to learn more about this is in Robert Greene’s book “The Art of Seduction”. Read the chapter “the Coquette” to learn more.
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