Dan Bilzerian: “Lifestyle Is About Position”

Dan Bilzerian: “Lifestyle Is About Position”

What is the best long term choice to get max results with minimal effort?

Establish an unfair position.

Dan Bilzerian talked about it in this interview with Larry King.

He said:

I figured out that life is more about setup.

I wanted to set it up so I could get laid without having a bunch of conversations and dates and whatnot.

So when I had these pool parties, I would have 30 of my friends and then 200-300 girls.

He continues:

I had manicures, pedicures, and masseuses.

A full staff and everything.

So the girls could come there, hang out, drink, and not get harassed.

It was a perfect 10:1 ratio so the girls had to compete for guys.

If a hot girl goes to a bar and gets hit on 10 times, she can go home and sleep like a baby and not hookup with anybody.

But if she goes to the bar and nobody pays attention to her, nobody talks to her, then she has to hookup with someone to feel validated.

These were situations where no one was hitting on them, no one was being aggressive and the girls would come to the guys, so it was like a set up.

And this doesn’t just apply to girls…

It applies to everything in life.

How can you create that position?

When your offer is in the context of a high-value environment, you get different results.

Many will never understand something like this.

(Which is why they never get the results they truly want).

You would think chasing 4-5’s in D-grade spots would get old after a while, but nah…

That’s the hamster wheel your “competition” is stuck on.

To learn how to apply these principles in a money context, click here.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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