Tired of feeling disrespected?
The freeze-out plan could be right for you.
The more selective you are about where you direct your attention, the more valuable it becomes.
It takes discipline to ignore those who try to make you lose your cool.
If a hater gets you riled up, it means you’ve acknowledged and accepted his frame.
It’s easy to respond to the petty taunts of naysayers, but what does this truly accomplish?
All it does is make you lose peace of mind.
A Freeze Out Is When You Ignore Someone
Who Tries To Upset You
Even if you aren’t currently aware of your own potential value, freezing people out will greatly raise your self-respect.
It sends a powerful message both to your own mind and to the ones who test you.
The length of a freeze-out should depend on the severity of the violation.
Sometimes you have to freeze people out for weeks, other times FOR LIFE.
Holding people accountable = treating them with love.
Summoning the discipline necessary to enforce your boundaries is the mark of a high-value man.
Regardless of the backup options you actually do have, it’s more important to stay true to yourself than it is to accept mistreatment from anyone.
People accept disrespect from obnoxious scumbags / broken women just because they get some benefits from hanging around stronger frames.
These people believe their own realities won’t get them what they want out of life.
The ironic thing is, allowing others to mistreat you creates a negative feedback loop.
The perceived advantages of associating with toxic people only makes sense if you regard yourself as a loser.
A willingness to rely on your own self-sufficiency makes you higher value.
Winners Do What They Want, Losers Do What They Can
The opposite of love is indifference.
This applies to both men and women.
The most powerful thing you can do is ignore those who don’t respect your value.
Losing your cool shines the “valuable” spotlight of your attention onto the haters…
Effectively giving them a stage / outlet for their negativity.
That’s all they really want anyway…
To be acknowledged.
Respect those who respect you and disregard the rest.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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Exactly. Shunning is such a powerful tool, especially in a civilized society. Even the most powerful and dominant men need people to want to be around them and not shun them so that they have someone to be dominant around. The threat of shunning is a reminder to those people that higher power or domination shouldn’t be used to gratuitously bully or disrespect other or else they’ll be left with only air to talk smack to.
Right on. At the same time, not all attention is equal.
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