Information is nutrition.
It affects:
- The quality of your thinking
- Which affects the quality of your choices
- Which affects the quality of your life.
After all, inputs lead to outputs.
If you improve your inputs, you will improve your output.
In today’s world of information overload + pollution, it’s never been more important to identify what’s true and what isn’t.
You see, most people consume fluff and empty calories. They don’t even know what an “information diet” is.
(Or that you have the power to curate one).
If you’re reading this article, you’re ahead of 99.999999% of everyone else who is ignorant to this idea.
Let’s explore more.
The Information Diet Of The Masses
Normies get excited about consuming an endless diet of psy-ops and misinformation.
They blindly turn on social media, TV / MSM, soyflix, etc and consume what’s trending.
(Hint Hint: There’s a reason why they call it a “FEED”).
This content = emotionally charged “good guy vs bad guy” narratives and stories with a preset agenda.
Then they wonder why their lives turn to shit.
At best, their info diet is a waste of time.
At worst, it fills their minds with poison and makes them dumber.
So why do they consume it?
A: they’re lazy + lack responsibility / initiative.
Normies take what’s in front of them without asking where it came from.
This is also the same approach they take to their food diet.
- Instant gratification
- Are attracted to bright colorful packaging
- Don’t question the long-term consequences
Then one day they wake up in a morbidly obese body with type II diabetes.
Just like being physically obese, a bad information diet leaves you mentally obese.
And millions of people are walking around in that condition without even realizing it.
The Information Diet Of Pseudo-Intellectuals
The next step up are people who consider themselves to be smart, yet fall for different kind of traps.
They understand the value of knowledge, but they don’t know how to audit it.
This kind of character:
- always asks for a “SoUrCe?” (without looking at who paid for the study)
- consumes info primarily for status points among his peer group
- reads airport tier midwit books
He would rather “feel smart” and engage in virtue signaling instead of learning something real.
The Information Diet Of The Elite
The elite understand that information is the original currency of life.
This is why they make it a priority to attain the best information possible.
- guard their attention with more + better filters (and use it as a tool)
- sharpen mental models which help sort information
- seek raw data, not pre-made narratives
- join exclusive groups / networks
- read carefully vetted books
- consult with niche experts
- consume with a PURPOSE
- block out irrelevant noise
and more.
This leads to a positive feedback loop of momentum.
It’s really no surprise why they end up with a higher quality of life.
- Information is nutrition
- Avoid empty calories, consume what’s valuable
- Don’t consume info for vanity purposes
- Curate your inputs + guard your attention
Want to learn more?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.