Many people move through life unaware that they’re playing the game backwards.
They look outside themselves for:
- Answers
- Validation
- And happiness.
What they don’t realize is that by doing so, they’re giving away their power.
They’re reacting to the reflections they see in their lives rather than looking at the source of those reflections – themselves.
Understanding how this dynamic works is key to taking control of your life.
The source of everything you experience isn’t “out there” in the world, but inside you.
Learning to focus on this source rather than getting lost in external stimuli is how you can reclaim your power.
In this article, we’ll explore:
- Why people fall into this backward way of living
- How looking outside of yourself robs you of your strength
- And why focusing on the source – yourself – is the key to mastering life.
Why Do People Look Outside of Themselves?
The conditioning to look outside of ourselves starts early.
From a young age, we are taught to look outward.
- We’re graded in school
- Our appearance is constantly judged
- And we’re praised for meeting societal expectations.
As a result, most of us are trained to chase validation from outside sources.
We want to be:
- Liked
- Respected
- And recognized.
The external world becomes our measuring stick, and we pour our energy into gaining approval from others, whether that’s from:
- Peers
- Family
- Or society at large.
But this approach is fundamentally flawed.
It places your sense of worth in something that is outside your control.
- The opinions of others
- Societal trends
- Or the economic environment
are ever-changing.
When your sense of power depends on these external factors, you’re essentially powerless because you’ve surrendered control to forces outside of yourself.
Throwing Away Your Power
When you look outside yourself for:
- Validation
- Success
- Or happiness
you’re throwing away your power.
Because you’re no longer in charge of your own experience.
You’re reacting to:
- Circumstances
- People
- And events
instead of creating the life you want.
Consider this:
If your sense of happiness depends on someone else’s approval, what happens when that approval isn’t given?
If your self-worth is tied to achieving certain milestones, what happens when circumstances shift, and you don’t hit those targets by the deadline?
You become:
- Disempowered
- Stressed
- And lost
because you’re at the mercy of things you can’t control.
Reacting to life in this way keeps you stuck in a cycle of reactivity.
You’re constantly chasing something external, hoping it will bring you peace or fulfillment.
And when it doesn’t, you feel:
- Drained
- Frustrated
- And unsatisfied.
This is what it means to play the game of life backwards.
Instead of being the source of your power, you give that power away to the world around you.
You become a reflection of your environment rather than the creator of it.
Don’t React to the Reflection
Imagine looking into a mirror and being dissatisfied with the reflection.
You frown, but the reflection frowns back at you.
You yell at it, but it yells back.
No matter what you do to the reflection, it doesn’t change until you change what’s causing it – you.
Most people go through life reacting to reflections.
They see the circumstances they don’t like:
- The job they hate
- The relationships that feel unfulfilling
- Or the lack of financial abundance
and they respond with frustration, anger, or anxiety.
They try to fix these external reflections, but they don’t realize that the real work lies in changing the source – themselves.
If you want the reflection to change, you have to change the source of the reflection.
Your external life is a mirror of your internal state – your:
- Thoughts
- Beliefs
- And emotions.
This is why focusing on your inner world is so important.
When you shift your internal state, the external world has no choice but to shift with it.
Look at the Source of the Reflection: Yourself
The key to mastering your life is to stop reacting to the reflection and start focusing on the source: yourself.
- Thoughts
- Beliefs
- And emotions
are the building blocks of your reality.
When you focus on transforming your inner world, you regain your power because you’re no longer at the mercy of external circumstances.
Here’s how you can begin to take back control:
- Develop Self-Awareness Start by becoming aware of the thoughts and beliefs that are driving your actions. Are they empowering or disempowering? Do they reflect the life you want to create, or are they reactions to external conditions? The more self-aware you become, the easier it is to shift your mindset.
- Challenge Limiting Beliefs Many of us have deeply ingrained beliefs that limit our potential. These beliefs are often inherited from society, family, or past experiences. For example, you might believe that success is hard to achieve, or that you’re not worthy of love. These beliefs shape your reality. Challenge them and replace them with empowering beliefs that support the life you want to create.
- Focus on Your Inner State Instead of trying to change the external world directly, focus on changing your internal state. Cultivate feelings of gratitude, abundance, and joy. Visualize the life you want to create and feel as though it’s already happening. When you elevate your emotional state, you align with the reality you desire.
- Take Inspired Action Once you’ve shifted your internal state, take inspired action toward your goals. This is different from reactive action. Inspired action comes from a place of alignment with your inner world. It feels purposeful, effortless, and aligned with who you truly are.
Why Focusing on the Source is the Ultimate Power
When you focus on the source – yourself – you stop being a victim of circumstances.
You become the creator of your reality.
This is the ultimate form of power because it’s rooted in something unshakable: you.
External factors will always fluctuate, but your internal world is something you have control over.
By mastering your inner state, you can create the conditions for the external world to shift in your favor.
Instead of reacting to life, you become proactive in shaping it.
This is the essence of true personal power – living from the inside out rather than the outside in.
Conclusion: Reclaiming Your Power
Most people live their lives playing the game backwards.
They look outside of themselves for the answers, giving away their power to external forces.
But the truth is, everything begins within.
Your external life is a reflection of your internal world.
By focusing on the source – your:
- Thoughts
- Beliefs
- And emotions
you can change the reflection.
Reclaiming your power is about shifting from a reactive to a proactive way of living.
Instead of chasing:
- Validation
- Success
- Or happiness
from external sources, recognize that you are the source of all these things.
When you take ownership of your inner state, you stop reacting to the world and start creating the life you desire.
So stop playing the game backwards.
Don’t react to the reflection – look at the source.
The power is, and always has been, within you.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.