What is the one thing you must do before you can sell anything?
A: Sell yourself to take consistent action.
If you don’t believe in victory, you can guarantee it will never happen.
This is the biggest challenge in online business.
@ComedicBizman tweeted:
For most, making money online seems “too good to be true”.
(which is why they’ll never experience all of its intoxicating benefits).
They find themselves unable to make the mental leap of faith.
What??? Printing money with your computer???
However, when you get past those “barriers”, you’ll laugh at what you used to believe.
Case In Point:
One of my friends recently released a music album he worked on for the past 5 years.
He asked me to help him set up a website so he could have a home base for his fans to visit.
(While showcasing his authority in the process).
When I told him about the profits being made selling digital info products
(especially with teaching a highly-developed skillset such as his)
He refused to believe me.
“Who spends money for that?”
Never mind the fact that people take out $250,000 loans only to be fed feel-good communist garbage in return for a pretty piece of paper to wipe their asses with.
(i.e. college)
Teaching is experiencing a new renaissance.
You can go directly to the pros
- Samuel L. Jackson
- Martin Scorsese
- Steph Curry
and learn their magic.
If you have a high-value skillset, the amount of money you can make teaching others (with the scale of the internet) is unbelievable.
And How Do You Master Belief In The Unbelievable?
Through trusting the law of compounding interest.
I still find it hard to believe the numbers in my inbox even though I’ve been investing in my business for years.
It was made possible by optimizing the present moment over and over again.
- First came $2.
- Then $5.
- Then $20.
- Then $100.
- Then $1,000.
- Then $10,000. etc.
And the whole time I was only ever focusing on the next step.
You see, when you have confidence in your skills, you have confidence in your outcome.
This allows you to “keep walking” even when the results seem abstract.
Want to develop this kind of confidence?
It depends on the keystone skill of self-sufficiency.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.