levels to happiness

INSIDE: The Hidden Levels To Happiness

Everyone wants to be “happy”.

Yet happiness itself is a false metric.

(Because it often comes with hidden / 2nd+ order costs)

If you have to be “happy” 24/7 you probably won’t achieve the life you really want.

In this article, we will explore:

  • The levels to happiness
  • Why most people stay stuck on the bottom level
  • And how you can elevate

Here’s the breakdown.

The Levels To “Happiness”:

  • 1st order = Fast food / Alc / Sex etc (instant gratification)
  • 2nd order = Feel better after going through the pain of working out
  • 3rd order = Better physique opens new doors etc
  • 4th+ order = Etc

At the higher levels you’re past “happiness” and existing in fulfillment.

Purpose + Fulfillment > “happiness”.

The problem is, most people think the 1st level is all there is to “happiness”.

So they spend their whole lives chasing it and never reach fulfillment.

Why Do Most People Stay On The First Level?

A: They aren’t long-term thinkers.

They aren’t considering the ultimate consequences of only chasing a quick buzz.

Which is…

Staying average (or worse) for life.

(The most expensive decision anyone can ever make).

When your whole life revolves around shallow thrills, you think that’s all there is and everything else is “unrealistic”.

But it’s only “unrealistic” because of the rhythm you’re living.

How To Elevate Past It?

A: Re-wire your dopamine map.

(Values + Incentive structure).

When you change your mental associations to think:

  • instant gratification = empty + a distraction
  • delayed gratification = will lead to a higher quality existence

you will find yourself making better moves automatically.

  1. Adopting better habits
  2. Avoiding traps
  3. Valuing your time


It all comes down to what you choose to prioritize as the CENTER of your life.

A prime example is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s approach to working out.

He re-wired his brain to view working out as more pleasurable than anything else.

Spending time in the gym became his “default”.

He didn’t have to force himself to do it.


  1. Happiness is a false metric
  2. Purpose + Fulfillment > “Happiness”
  3. Lasting fulfillment requires long-term moves + delayed gratification
  4. Re-wire your dopamine map to associate higher quality moves with pleasure
  5. Everything comes down to what you prioritize as the center of your life

Want to learn more?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!



My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.