When it comes to swooping, not all approaches are created equal.
Just like different people have unique tastes in:
- Food
- Music
- And entertainment
different girls are attracted to different male archetypes.
Recognizing this fact is crucial for anyone looking to improve their swoop game and find compatibility.
This realization leads to a fundamental principle in the art of attraction:
Play up your polarity.
Authenticity and congruence in portraying your archetype are essential because mismatched signals can lead to missed connections.
The Significance of Archetype Polarity
Think of your personality and style as a specific flavor in the grand buffet of swooping.
Some may prefer the daring and unpredictable “hoodstar energy,” while others might find the refined and controlled allure of “custom suit energy” irresistible.
Each archetype appeals to a specific type of attraction.
The key here is not to try and mold yourself into something you’re not, but rather to understand and embody your natural energy more profoundly.
This doesn’t mean changing who you are but enhancing what makes you unique.
Environment Matters
Your environment plays a pivotal role in how well your archetype is received.
Thriving in an atmosphere where you are among the top 10% is like a lion ruling the savannah – it’s your natural habitat where your strengths are most visible and effective.
Conversely, a shark, dominant in the ocean, would flounder on land.
Understanding where you shine brightest not only increases your confidence but also attracts those who will appreciate your specific archetype.
Congruence is Key
All the effort put into developing your:
- Appearance
- Conversation skills
- And other aspects of your allure
might still fall flat if you’re not in tune with the desires of the audience you’re engaging with.
This is because attraction is not just about being objectively appealing but about resonating with someone’s specific tastes.
It’s similar to the preference some have for peaches – no matter how juicy and sweet the peach is, if someone doesn’t like peaches, they simply won’t bite.
This metaphor extends to personal interaction and attraction.
You could be the epitome of a particular archetype, exuding all the qualities associated with it, but if it’s not the flavor the other person enjoys, the swoop won’t happen.
This realization can save a lot of pain and frustration.
Many make the mistake of pursuing those who fundamentally do not appreciate their archetype – like chasing someone who dislikes peaches while being the best peach.
Finding Your Flavor
The first step in leveraging your archetype in swooping is to identify and embrace it.
Are you more of a charismatic jet-setting playboy or an outlaw artist?
Do you embody the rebel without a cause, or are you the life of the party fratstar?
Reflecting on your interactions and how others respond to you can provide significant insights.
Once you’ve honed in on your archetype, the next step is to amplify it.
Turn up the aspects of your personality that align with this archetype to attract those who are naturally inclined to appreciate it.
Understand Your Audience
Once you understand your archetype, seek environments and communities where it is valued.
Like the lion on the savannah or the shark in the ocean, placing yourself in situations where your strengths are most effective can dramatically increase your success.
This strategic approach to swooping ensures that you’re not only presenting yourself in the best light but are also in the right place to meet those who will be most receptive.
Embrace the Dynamics
Remember, just as the shark and the lion are both alphas in their respective realms, different archetypes can dominate in different social settings.
The key is to not cater to everyone but to excel in your niche.
For example, a 5 star hotel bar is a good location for the refined playboy, whereas a high-energy nightclub could be where the charismatic bad boy shines.
Understanding and embracing your unique archetype in swooping isn’t just about sticking to what you know – it’s about maximizing your inherent appeal and finding the right audience for it.
By being congruent with your personal style and choosing your environment wisely, you can avoid the pitfall of chasing incompatible matches and instead attract those who will truly appreciate and desire your specific flavor.
Remember, when it comes to swooping, being the best version of your true self is the surest way to attract the right kind of attention.
P.S. Want to learn more about getting better game? Read “ON! For Him“.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.