When I was growing up, my parents instilled me with frugality.
They emphasized the value of money over more important variables such as time.
(Penny pinching with coupons, etc).
While this attitude taught me to avoid wasting money in useless ways, it kept me subconsciously aligned with scarcity.
I was unwilling to take greater risks because there was no guaranteed payoff.
This sense of scarcity spilled into other realms of life.
The emphasis was placed on losing what I already had.
As I read more about the abundance mindset and the nature of feedback loops / momentum, I realized I wasn’t being smart with my variables.
Where there were opportunities to take higher value action, I kept holding myself back.
To Remove Scarcity, Act Out Of Abundance
What does an abundant world look like to you?
When you notice that there’s more than enough value to go around, you start making decisions in line with your actualized self.
Acting out of abundance makes you gravitate towards higher value environments, bringing you into contact with similar people, further eroding your sense of scarcity.
If you’re having trouble internalizing abundance within a certain area of life, it’s best to place yourself in a situation that contradicts any lingering low-value beliefs.
For instance, a great way to conquer sexual scarcity is to spend more time around a city center or other environment reflective of the girls you would like to attract.
Remember, the more girls that can see you, the more girls that can choose you.
How You Structure Your Approach = What You Attract
90% of life is simply showing up.
You can’t expect to embody higher value if you never let your life force circulate properly.
Like Warren Buffet said,
The best investment you can make is in your SELF.
All your surroundings are reflections of your energy flows.
Go ahead and invest some of your:
- Time
- Money
- And energy
in the areas most important to you.
Want help doing so?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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