Affection is a commodity.
The more abundant a commodity is, the more it loses its value.
Low-value “love” is essentially infinite in its availability.
Even though some losers are wising up to the reality of the sexual market, the vast majority of them still seem to embrace “reformed” sluts with open arms.
These women quickly become disgusted by the smothering amounts of affection their partners give them.
To have a successful sex / love life, you must ration your affection accordingly.
Does she deserve what you’re giving her?
Cheap Love Is Immediately Taken For Granted
If a woman merely needs to show up for you to profess your undying love, you need to get your head checked.
The harder she works for your affection, the more she’ll appreciate it.
Losers are extremely affectionate because they’re sexually deprived.
In the rare instance where they do have a woman, they project all their romantic fantasies upon her.
Their pent-up sexual desires need to be released.
This readily available affection is so abundant that it’s completely worthless.
It isn’t real love.
It’s desperation.
This outpour of emotion may seem like love, but it’s only affection out of scarcity.
If you had 10 women back at home ready to cater to your every need, would you start showing affection to some chick you just met at a club?
When you’re sexually sated, you naturally carry yourself with a high-value attitude.
There’s less affection to go around because you’ve already released it.
This is how self-reinforcing feedback loops are created.
To get more women, you must already have women (or carry the attitude as if you do).
- Do you immediately treat the first girl who gives you the time of day like a girlfriend?
- Do you shower her with affection and praise?
If so, take a step back.
If You’re Prone To Giving Out Your Valuable Resources, Practice Self-Restraint
As much as you might want to turn your life into a cutesie romantic-comedy, real life doesn’t work that way.
These films are fantasies.
They are projections of how some people think life SHOULD be.
If you focus on having fun, all lingering traces of desperation get killed off.
The goal should always be to have a great time.
This mindset will create a reality much more conducive to both your happiness and the happiness of others.
You shouldn’t be trying to find a girl to shower with your affection.
Instead, find girls who are receptive and then test them for their worthiness.
Your affection is valuable.
Don’t give it out freely.
Think reward + punishment.
The opposite of love is indifference.
If your girl is giving you attitude, keep her at arm’s length.
Disappear for a few days (or longer depending on the severity of her violation).
When a girl acts up and you continue to give her affection, you send the wrong message.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Says the guy who has never been in love ;)
Shut up carousel rider.
Ouch. Although I don’t get the reference.
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