What’s good it’s MI.
What was the first thing I ever bought with online income?
It was one of these motherfuckers.
A watermelon lemonade.
Even though I had bought plenty of them with wagie money, this one tasted different.
*Takes sip*
It tasted like freedom.
Even though I had only made a couple bucks, I already knew my life had changed forever.
I saw the door was open.
You see, when you have the wagie lifestyle, you’re still a slave to that position.
You’re ultimately still a rent seeker in someone else’s system.
When you own your own system, you can wake up in the morning whatever time you want, you check your email and then you see that you’ve made more than a thousand dollars while you were asleep.
That changes the texture of everything you experience throughout your day.
- Colors look better
- You feel better
- Everything tastes better
Everything’s better.
Because that weight is finally gone.
When I was going to school, I always had this voice in the back of my head that said:
This shit is not the way.
Just sitting in an office all day or doing some back-breaking work is not the answer.
I knew there was a better way to do things.
So I grinded my ass off to find it.
And now, my systems grind for me, so I don’t have to do shit anymore.
- Get up when I want
- Go to places I want
- Go on this walk in the middle of the day
- Drink this delicious drink
And I think everyone should be able to experience this.
If you feel like you’re born to be a wagie then go ahead and close your browser right now because this video is not for you.
I’m making this video for the people who used to be in my old position.
Who knew that the wagie path was not it.
They just need a bit of knowledge to become aware of what’s actually possible.
Even if you make a lot of money, you end up with golden handcuffs if you’re working for someone else.
- Equity
- Ownership
- Or anything.
You’re still a slave to that position.
And you have to do all these things to keep your position going, instead of creating your own position.
When you sit on top of that system of ownership, that altitude, is like breathing the crispest freshest mountain air every day.
All those worries are gone.
Even if you don’t want to run it up big, what difference would an extra stream of income like that make for you?
- You could buy your kids nicer clothes
- You could take that vacation you’ve always dreamed of
- You can make sure your parents are good
- You can make sure your family is good
- You can put it to work however you want
- You can donate to a cause that you believe in
All you need to do is just set it up, and if you want to learn how to do that…
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.