the secret to thinking bigger

The Secret To Thinking Bigger

What’s good it’s your boy M.I. coming to you with a special view.
Today I’m going to talk to you about the importance of thinking big.
And the best way to do this is by having the external reflect the internal.
You can say that you visualize all you want, when you’re cooped up inside…
But when you take in the outside stimulation from a priceless world-class view in some of the most valuable real estate in the entire world, it plants different seeds.
That stimulation leads to new thought that you would have never been able to achieve on your own.
When you limit yourself to the same shit every day:
  • same neighborhoods
  • same room
  • same routine
  • same people
Your mind gets stagnant. And you start becoming blind to what’s out there.
So, it helps to do this regularly. To just step outside your old routine and take in something bigger.
It makes you realize how much more is out there and how small you’re thinking.
Even if you’re currently thinking larger than most, it never hurts to go bigger.
There’s always another level. Never lose sight of it.
This is a popular place for the tech billionaires and world-class inventors to have walking meetings and to brainstorm ideas.
Steve Jobs was known for hiking this path regularly.
It’s no coincidence, thinking big and spectacular views go hand in hand.
When you circulate among higher planes, it’s exactly where your mind goes.
No telling what kind of connections you make up there, but what’s damn sure is you won’t make those kind of connections if you’re surrounded by a bunch of wack shit.
Something people instinctually understand is the spiritual benefit of visiting certain places.
Even though the spiritual world is invisible, you elevate your spirit by visiting these places. (Sometimes even for life). And it’s extremely important to pay these kinds of visits.
Now the question is:
  • what places are calling your name to elevate your spirit?
  • what kind of views do you want to soak in?
  • what kind of seeds do you want to plant and reflect back on?
Not just for your brand if you have one, but for your entire life.
Think about where you’re headed.
Think about what you’re doing with yourself.
Take the time to zoom out. Contrast that with zooming in.
It all adds up to a larger picture.

Want to learn more?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

4 thoughts on “The Secret To Thinking Bigger”

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