The Types of People You Must Avoid at All Costs

The Types of People You Must Avoid at All Costs

The people you surround yourself with determine the quality of your life.

If you’re serious about leveling up, you must ruthlessly cut out liabilities before they drag you down.

Some people are walking disasters – ticking time bombs waiting to explode.

They lack:

  • Control
  • Discipline
  • And awareness

making them dangerous to keep around.

A lot of guys learn this lesson the hard way.

They keep the wrong people around out of:

  • Habit
  • Nostalgia
  • Or misplaced loyalty

until they get burned.

So if you want to move strategically, you must recognize and avoid these high-risk archetypes before they sabotage your future.

1. The Angry Guy Who Instigates Useless Confrontations

This dude can’t go anywhere without making enemies.

He’s the type to start fights over nonsense:

  • Spilled drinks
  • Imagined disrespect
  • Or a harmless joke.

He thinks he’s standing up for himself, but in reality, he’s just an undisciplined liability.

His emotional outbursts put everyone at risk, including you.

A night out with this guy can turn into:

  • Legal trouble
  • Hospital visits
  • Or unnecessary beef with the wrong people.

He’ll drag you into a war you didn’t sign up for.

Why keep a guy like this around?

You can’t control someone else’s anger issues, and eventually, they’ll put you in the line of fire.

2. The Horny Guy Who Abandons All Plans for New Women

You’ve probably seen it before.

Everything’s lined up for a solid move:

  • Money plays
  • Power connections
  • Acarefully designed plan.

Then suddenly, the horny guy disappears.

One mention of a new chick, and he throws the entire game out the window.

His priorities shift instantly.

  • He’ll flake on his boys
  • Miss deadlines
  • And sabotage his own future just for the chance to hook up.

This is the type of dude who’ll sell out his own team over a woman.

You can’t rely on him.

He lacks discipline, and when it really counts, he won’t be there.

3. The Adrenaline Junkie Who Gambles Everything for a Rush

This guy doesn’t care about building.

He only cares about feeling something.

He’ll throw away:

  • Money
  • Time
  • And stability

for temporary highs.

Whether it’s:

He’s the type to put everything on red at the roulette table just because it feels exciting.

He’ll convince you to take unnecessary risks, betting your future on a coin flip.

When things go bad, he won’t have a plan.

He lives for the moment but never prepares for the fallout.

You can’t build anything substantial around a guy like this.

The moment things get serious, he’ll fold.

4. The Fake Tough Guy Who Takes Stupid Risks to Impress People

This is the dude who:

  • Speeds through traffic for no reason
  • Picks fights with the wrong people
  • And gets himself into dangerous situations

all to look cool.

Deep down, he’s insecure.

He needs to prove himself constantly, so he forces dumb flexes at the worst times.

It’s all fun and games until he:

  • Crashes the car
  • Starts a fight with a real killer
  • Or gets himself in a situation that you have to clean up.

If you surround yourself with people like this, you’re playing with fire.

Eventually, their need for validation will put you in a life-altering situation.

5. The Perpetual Victim Who Drags You Down with His Misery

This guy never takes responsibility.

Everything is someone else’s fault.

He stays losing because he refuses to level up.

But instead of fixing his own life, he drags everyone down with him.

He feeds off negativity, constantly:

  • Complaining
  • Making excuses
  • And spreading a losing mindset.

Keep this guy around, and you’ll find yourself making the same excuses.

His low-vibrational energy will infect your thoughts, making you feel guilty for wanting more.

Winners don’t entertain victims.

They move with other winners.

6. The Gossip Who Can’t Keep His Mouth Shut

This guy talks way too much.

He’ll tell anyone and everyone your business, even if it puts you at risk.

Gossips are disloyal by nature.

If he’s spilling other people’s secrets to you, he’s definitely spilling your secrets to others.

A man who lacks discretion will never be an asset.

He’s a walking security breach, putting your moves on blast and making you vulnerable to enemies.

Real power comes from silence and action.

Surround yourself with people who understand that.

7. The Addict Who Is Controlled by His Vices

This dude has no discipline.

Whether it’s:

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Or any other destructive habit

he’s a slave to his urges.

He can’t function without his fix.

He’ll let his vices ruin his:

  • Relationships
  • Money
  • And his health

yet refuse to change.

The worst part?

He’ll try to drag you into his chaos.

Addicts don’t like watching others succeed.

They want company in their misery.

If you’re serious about growth, you must cut these people off.

They’re dead weight.

8. The Clown Who Never Takes Anything Seriously

This guy treats everything like a joke.

He thinks being unserious makes him cool, but in reality, it just makes him useless.

He’ll waste your time when you’re working.

He’ll mess up serious deals by playing around.

He’ll never take responsibility for anything.

If you have big goals, you need people who respect the mission.

Playful energy is fine in the right context, but when it’s time to move, you need solid people – not clowns.

9. The Wannabe Who Tries to Live Off Your Success

This dude is always around, but never actually contributes.

He just wants to be associated with the lifestyle.

He’ll show up when things are good, acting like he’s part of the team.

But when it’s time to put in work?

Nowhere to be found.

Wannabes are parasites.

They want the benefits without the effort.

Keep them close, and they’ll drain your resources without giving anything in return.

10. The Friend Who Secretly Envies You

This one is the most dangerous.

He acts like your friend, but deep down, he resents your success.

He’ll smile to your face while secretly hoping you fail.

You’ll notice little signs:

  • Passive-aggressive comments
  • Backhanded compliments
  • Subtle sabotage.

He’ll discourage you from taking big steps, making it seem like he’s just “looking out” for you.

But make no mistake – he wants to see you stumble.

You can’t afford to keep people like this around.

They’re deadlier than any enemy because they attack from within.

Cut the Liabilities – Move with Strength

Once you recognize these people for what they are, it becomes painfully clear – they don’t deserve a place in your circle.

Keeping them around will only slow you down.


  • Weaknesses
  • Lack of discipline
  • And bad decisions

will eventually cost you.

The higher you climb, the tighter your circle needs to be.

Surround yourself with:

  • Focused
  • Disciplined
  • And ambitious individuals

people who build you up, not drag you down.

Success is a game of alignment.

Choose wisely.

Tired of dealing with snakes?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help dodge problems and live a better life!

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.