You hear it all the time:
“Just learn some high value skills bro!”
But which ones actually matter when it comes to online business?
1. Direct Response Copywriting
This is the heart of everything.
Any kind of business communication:
- FB / Google / IG / etc Ads
- Youtube Videos
- Landing Pages
- Headlines
- Emails
- Tweets
- VSL’s
Copywriting will ALWAYS be relevant regardless how tech evolves.
Platforms are simply the medium through which communication is expressed.
2. Funnel Creation
All business is a series of inputs and outputs.
And the system that ties it all together?
A: A funnel.
Its purpose is to funnel the attention of prospects towards becoming a paying customer.
As you know, not everyone buys the first time they come into contact with you.
This is why you want to have other touch points along the journey to maximize results.
3. Converting Cold Traffic
If you can convert cold traffic, you will never be broke.
How do you do it?
You want to:
- Get your total message across instantly via subtext + symbols
- Build trust fast
These are the 2 elements required to speed up the money / sales cycle.
Have you ever been hit with an ad and bought as cold traffic?
I have.
- Caught my attention with a bold yet believable claim
- The most impactful info was displayed instantly
- Every single pain point I was dealing with was instantly addressed (above the fold)
- I was in the target audience and had the ability to pay for the solution
- The brand had social proof, testimonials, trust badges etc
All these things condensed the sales cycle into a few short seconds.
And the unifying ingredient among all of them?
A: KNOWING THE CUSTOMER better than he knows himself.
By talking about the EXACT set of problems I was facing and having solutions for them, the brand gave off a vibe of competence.
This instilled belief and trust that they would be the right people to help me out.
And no amount of “copywriting tactics” would have been able to compensate for this deep level of market research.
That’s where everything starts.
When you nail these kinds of root causes, everything else sorts itself out.
4. Owning Your Traffic Source
This is something that 99% of people don’t understand.
They build their “biz” on someone else’s platform and then act surprised when they get rugged.
The brutal truth is, unless you OWN your traffic you are ultimately a rent-seeker on someone else’s land.
So how do you fix this problem?
You collect prospect / customer contact info by asking them to opt in.
Then, you can contact them via:
- Email list
- Text
- DM
This way, you can “turn on” your traffic any time you choose.
And you’re no longer a slave to the algorithm + ad performance.
5. Choosing The Right Business Model
A lot of people fail to succeed because they choose a biz model that’s hard to pull off.
Unless you have significant startup capital, you want to start with a lean biz model that has healthy margins.
(Such as info-products).
Any biz with cutthroat margins requires a major advantage such as:
- Deep pockets
- Established moat
- Massive infrastructure
to survive.
If you’re just starting out, it’s likely you don’t have the resources / positioning to compete with that.
Now you know the top 5 online business skills
- DR Copywriting
- Funnel Creation
- Converting Cold Traffic
- Owning Your Traffic Source
- Choosing The Right Business Model
The more of these you master, the more it will become impossible to lose.
Want to learn more?
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.