What’s one of the biggest problems a business has?
A: lack of sales.
If this problem is not addressed, the biz will fail.
You see, cash flow is the life blood of business.
And a lot of companies have no clue how to keep it pumping.
(i.e. they’re dependent on handouts and VC funds).
Here are the top reasons why no one wants to buy from you.
1. You Don’t Have Enough (Targeted) Traffic
Without attention, you can’t make $.
You can have the best offer in the world, but no one will buy unless they see it.
Even if you’re getting traffic, showing your offer to the wrong people is basically the same as showing no one.
Which brings us to the next point.
2. You’re Targeting The Wrong Person
What’s the first step to selling anything?
A: understanding your customer.
- Their problems
- Their desires
- Their fears
These things create CONTEXT for your solution.
If you’re targeting everyone, you’re targeting no one.
(Because you don’t understand how your solution fits into their world).
Sales is not about trying to convince…
It’s about PROVIDING / SUPPLYING a solution to a real problem the customer has.
(There has to be demand for it).
3. Your Offer Is Not Compelling + Has No Demand
Your offer has to be a no-brainer.
It has to be so good people feel stupid for saying no.
Every day I see a bunch of people trying to sell the same undifferentiated offer to customers that don’t care.
A “guarantee” doesn’t matter if no one wants the solution in the first place.
And no amount of “follow up” will make a difference if there’s no demand.
Always start with demand first, then scale from there.
4. You Have No Evidence You Can Get Results
People hesitate to buy when there’s a lack of belief and a lack of trust.
They don’t want to take the risk of getting scammed.
So how do you build their confidence that they’re making the right decision?
- Case studies
- Social proof
- Testimonials
And display them prominently.
Only make claims as big as your proof.
If you want to make big claims, you need big proof.
When your proof is bigger than your claims, you simply can’t lose.
5. You Have An F In Social Skills
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times someone has jumped in my DM pitching some service without even following me.
This is just basic social awareness.
If someone is this incompetent from the get-go, imagine how bad their service is.
You see, sales isn’t about money… it’s about PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIPS.
The money is just a receipt.
6. You Have Not Addressed Their Concerns / Objections
You know what’s a major deal killer?
A: unaddressed / unspoken objections.
You know the classic:
“I’ll have to go check with my wife”.
Comments like these are usually a smokescreen for something else.
The customer isn’t confident enough in spending x amount of money.
Your job is to identify the REAL issue and bring it to the surface so it can be addressed.
Now you understand why people struggle to make sales.
The unifying factor?
A: Lack of:
- and TRUST.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Want to learn more?
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.