What High-Level Playboys Are Doing Right Now That You’re Not

What High-Level Playboys Are Doing Right Now That You’re Not

When you think of high-level playboys, the first thing that often comes to mind is their glamorous, larger-than-life lifestyles.

They’re the kings of their own worlds, masters of seduction, charisma, and luxury, but there’s more going on beneath the surface than:

  • Fast cars
  • Beautiful women
  • And tropical getaways.

So, what are these high-level playboys doing right now that most people aren’t?

More importantly, what are they doing that you could adopt into your own life to elevate your own:

Let’s dive into the:

  • Habits
  • Mindsets
  • And strategies

that distinguish them from the rest.

1. Curating Their Image with Intent

High-level playboys understand the power of their personal brand.


  • Public appearance
  • Social media post
  • And interaction

is specifically designed to send the right message of mystery and allure.

They aren’t simply showing off—they’re crafting a narrative that aligns with the persona they wish to project.

Think about Hugh Hefner’s wild parties or Richard Branson’s adventurous, risk-taking style—these aren’t just random choices.

They are deliberate aspects of their personal brand.

What You’re Not Doing:

Most people go about their daily lives without giving much thought to the image they project.


  • Fall into mindless routines
  • Dress like shit
  • Speak without intention
  • And don’t have the slightest clue about how any of this comes across.

In contrast, high-level playboys are constantly refining their external presence.

They know that perception is reality and leverage this to their advantage.

How You Can Apply This:

Start paying attention to the way you present yourself to the world.

Is your appearance in line with the personality you wish to project?

Are your social media profiles showcasing the best version of you, or are they cluttered with random trash?

Begin by curating your image with the same precision and thoughtfulness, understanding that every interaction is a chance to impact how others perceive you.

2. Building Powerful Networks

High-level playboys aren’t just socializing for fun – they’re moving with a purpose.

Whether at:

  • Exclusive events
  • Parties
  • Or jet-setting around the globe

they constantly cultivate relationships with people who:

  • Have a similar vision
  • Elevate their energy
  • Or reinforce their lifestyle.

Look at someone like Richard Bransonhe’s not just a billionaire playboyhe’s a connector, aligning himself with:

  • Celebrities
  • Politicians
  • And others who expand his reach.

What You’re Not Doing:

Many people waste time socializing with the same convenient circles, never stepping outside their comfort zones to meet people who play on a higher level.

High-level playboys, on the other hand, are always looking for ways to expand their networks.

They know that success is about who knows and respects you.

How You Can Apply This:

Become intentional with your social interactions.


  • Attending + creating events
  • Joining clubs
  • Or entering circles where people with a similar vision congregate.

Approach these relationships by looking for win-win situations where you can provide value while also opening new doors.

3. Mastering Emotional Influence

One of the core traits of high-level playboys is their emotional intelligence.

They have an innate understanding of human psychology and how emotions drive behavior.

These men know how to:

that draws others to them like magnets.

They’re not just charismatic—they understand the nuances of emotional influence.

What You’re Not Doing:

Most people are reactive in social situations, allowing their emotions to dictate their responses instead of intentionally guiding the emotional tone of their interactions.

High-level playboys understand that people are driven by emotions, and they move in accordance.

They remain:

  • Calm
  • Composed
  • And in control

leading others to follow their energy.

How You Can Apply This:

Start becoming more aware of the emotional energy you project in conversations and interactions.

Are you reactive, or are you in control?

Begin by:

  • Mastering your emotional state
  • Learning to project calm confidence
  • And tuning in to the emotions of those around you.

When you can guide the emotional tone of an interaction, you’ll find that people respond to you differently—often with more trust and interest.

4. Cultivating a Sense of Adventure and Spontaneity

High-level playboys aren’t stuck in routines – they thrive on adventure and spontaneity.

They’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what life has to offer—whether it’s through:

  • Extreme sports
  • Travel
  • Or unexpected escapades.

This adventurous spirit keeps them:

They’re the type of men who don’t just dream of doing things—they actually do them.

What You’re Not Doing:

The average person falls into routines, living a predictable life that lacks excitement or risk.

High-level playboys, on the other hand, live for the thrill of new experiences, and that energy is contagious.

People are drawn to those who seem to be living life on the edge, who make every moment feel like an adventure.

How You Can Apply This:

Break out of your routine.

Start taking calculated risks, whether it’s:

  • Trying a new hobby
  • Planning an impromptu trip
  • Or engaging in experiences you’d normally shy away from.

Cultivating a sense of adventure will not only keep you energized, but it will also make you more attractive to those around you.

5. Balancing Pleasure with Discipline

While the lifestyle of a high-level playboy might seem purely indulgent from the outside, there’s a balance of pleasure and discipline behind the scenes.

Whether it’s:

high-level playboys dedicate time to their growth.

They know that success doesn’t come purely from pleasure, but from hard work and focused discipline.

Take someone like Dan Bilzerian, who, while living a lifestyle of excess, maintains a strict fitness regimen and entrepreneurial focus.

It’s not all about partying—it’s about maintaining the foundation that allows for that lifestyle.

What You’re Not Doing:

Most people either live entirely for discipline (grinding away at their careers) or indulgence (burning themselves out with hedonism).

High-level playboys understand that it’s the balance between both that creates a fulfilling life.

Discipline creates the foundation for indulgence, while indulgence keeps life exciting.

How You Can Apply This:

Find your own balance between work and play.

Don’t be afraid to indulge in life’s pleasures, but ensure that you’ve earned them through work and discipline.

When you create a strong foundation in your business or personal growth, the pleasures of life become even more rewarding, as they are built on a base of success.

6. Leveraging Influence for Greater Freedom

High-level playboys use their:

  • Wealth
  • Influence
  • And networks

to create freedom in their lives.

They’ve built:

that allow them to live life on their own terms.

This doesn’t come by chance—it’s the result of:

What You’re Not Doing:

Most people are tied to:

  • Rigid schedules
  • Jobs they tolerate / hate
  • Or social obligations that drain them.

High-level playboys have created structures in their lives that allow them to break free from these constraints, enjoying the freedom to do what they want, when they want.

How You Can Apply This:

Start taking steps to create more freedom in your own life.

Whether it’s through:

begin designing a life that allows you to move more freely.

The more control you have over your time and choices, the closer you’ll come to living life on your own terms.

7. Mastering Life Setup and Positioning

High-level playboys understand that success isn’t just about hard work – it’s about positioning themselves in environments that naturally breed opportunity and growth.

Everything from:

  • Where they live
  • To their daily routines
  • To the people they spend time with is meticulously curated.

They choose environments that elevate them—whether it’s a luxury penthouse in a major city or a tropical escape that attracts influential guests.

They are constantly positioning themselves in places and situations that open doors, not just socially, but also in terms of business and personal growth.

What You’re Not Doing:

Most people are living in environments that limit their potential without even realizing it.


  • Stay in comfortable but uninspiring locations
  • Follow routines that don’t challenge them
  • And socialize with people who don’t push them toward growth.

They’re not positioning themselves where success naturally flows—whether that’s:

This lack of intentionality leaves them stuck, missing out on the power that comes from being in the right places and around the right people.

How You Can Apply This:

To start applying this principle, audit your current environment and social circles.

Ask yourself if:

are aligned with your goals.

Begin seeking out environments that naturally foster success—this could mean:

  • Attending higher-quality events
  • Visiting new social spots
  • Or surrounding yourself with more ambitious people.

If relocation isn’t possible, you can still shift your habits by participating in:

  • Online communities
  • Industry gatherings
  • Or local meetups that connect you with new people.

By positioning yourself in spaces where growth and opportunities flourish, you’ll elevate your life and open doors you didn’t even know were possible.

High-level playboys are not simply living lavish lives—they are making deliberate choices that elevate their:

  • Status
  • Influence
  • And freedom.

By adopting these principles, you too can begin to transform your life, cultivating the same magnetic charisma and success that defines these iconic figures.

P.S. Want to learn more about getting better game? Read “ON! For Him“.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 500+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.