The #1 Reason Your Self-Esteem Is Crashing And How to Fix It by Mastering Emotional Investments

The #1 Reason Your Self-Esteem Is Crashing (And How to Fix It by Mastering Your Emotional Investments)

Emotional investments are the bedrock of your self-esteem.

They are what you use to define meaning in life.

1 Of The Biggest Mistakes People Make Is Emotionally Investing Into The Wrong Things.

  • Pipe dreams
  • Material objects
  • Things out of their control
  • A girl they haven’t even fucked
  • A job that doesn’t care about them
  • “Friends” that won’t even show to their funeral

And then they wonder why their self-esteem is in permanent chaos.

They built their “jenga tower” on things that can be rug-pulled at any second.

It’s what causes an existential crisis.

When the things you invested in don’t play out the way you expected them to, it messes with your sense of reality.

However, it isn’t their fault.

Reality is reality.

You can’t expect things to be different.

It’s a mistake to give so much of yourself to things that haven’t proven themselves.

This is what “emotional whores” do.

They throw their emotional investments at anything that keeps their feel-good fantasy going.

Blindly indulging in emotion is for fools.

Indiscriminate vulnerability will ruin you.

Instead, You Want To Emotionally Invest In Things You Can Control.

  1. Your word
  2. Your discipline
  3. Becoming great
  4. Your reputation with yourself
  5. Doing what no one else can do

When you do this, you’ll always feel good about yourself because no one can take these things away from you.

As long as you invest into these emotional bank accounts daily, you’ll ALWAYS have something in them.

Regardless of the external ups-and-downs, your bank accounts stay solid.

Life feels a lot richer when you have a stronger emotional base to refer to.

When this framework is strong, you contain your reactions to the wrong things.


Diversify your emotional investments so you don’t rely on fickle things for meaning or support.

This protects your emotional body from getting pulled into crazy and preventable situations.

You want to train your mind to be stronger than your feelings.

You do this by living by a clear code of principles.

It’s what allows you to operate with clarity.

Want to learn more?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

8 thoughts on “The #1 Reason Your Self-Esteem Is Crashing (And How to Fix It by Mastering Your Emotional Investments)”

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