Remember back in school when you learned how plants need light to grow?
The same concept applies to the development of your lifestyle.
Imagine your attention as a beam of light shining out from between your eyebrows.
What you shine this light upon expands within your reality.
The things you focus and speak on reveal a lot about your character.
You create experiences with attention.
You’re the architect of your situations.
But there’s more.
Selective Attention Changes Your Perception
Shining the light of your attention into certain arenas allows organisms of talent and skill to develop.
For instance, if you want better game you’ll have to invest time and effort to develop it.
The higher the initial quality of your channeled attention:
- Aloof
- Self-amused
- Outcome-independent
The faster your results trickle in.
Women need acknowledgement as much as they need oxygen, and a man of value understands this fact.
Lower-value attention serves as a steady reserve while women prowl for winners.
When the value of your attention is sky-high, your social landscape appears to be very fertile.
Such energy acts as a powerful beacon that attracts opportunities in droves.
Both men and women enjoy the presence / attention of winners.
The Pillars Of Your Reality
Need Attention To Sustain Themselves
You’re familiar with visualization, aren’t you?
Well, the same exercise works with both positive and negative experiences.
Focusing on the negative side of life invites more negative experiences into your reality.
If you have a negative reality, you could just as well direct your attention elsewhere and start building new pillars.
A lower value reality crumbles away when you consistently focus upon more lucrative soil.
Why would you ever waste precious time hating on things that don’t concern you?
This energy could be used in a more positive manner.
The resources wasted on irrelevancies sap juice from your potential.
Your world is the outcome of what you pay attention to.
Nothing’s set in stone.
(Attention + Time + Effort = Creation)
Your life is constantly unfolding.
It’s like an endless block of play-dough molding itself with the hands of time.
Attention Carves The Details Of Your Lifestyle
Losers have depressing lifestyles because they direct their focus into escapist outlets.
The blowback of hedonism emerges as a lack of well-being. It sucks your energy dry.
If no attention is ever shined upon your:
- Fitness
- Finances
- Social skills
- Or personal knowledge
then no trees of value will ever grow in such realms.
What do you shine your attention upon?
What’s prominent within your reality?
You may be living your life subconsciously without realizing just how much influence you have over developing your own personal value.
Be Mindful Of Your Mental Resources
I used to direct my attention into situations with lethargy and reluctance.
This attitude created a lifestyle that lacked fire.
Abundance was alien to me because I focused on the empty part of the cup “half” full.
I wanted to live my life differently, but didn’t know that my mental outlook was the culprit.
Only you can discover the potential power of your own attention.
You have to be selective about where you direct it.
We Live In An Attention Economy
In this age of instant gratification, shiny objects clamor for your attention more than ever before.
Whether it’s:
- Clickbait headlines
- Sleek luxury goods
- Jaw-dropping special effects
- Or a person dripping with value
every “commodity” in life tries its best to be acknowledged.
What’s out of sight is out of mind.
Advertising = a company placing itself within a concentrated stream of attention.
Social media services are free because you’re willingly giving them a valuable resource.
Imagine what would happen if you could somehow gather this lost power?
(Hint Hint)
Bland Choices Are Ignored By Valuable Ones Because They’re On Different Wavelengths
Attractive women genuinely don’t see losers for the most part because their focus gravitates towards shinier objects.
A loser in the sexual market acts obnoxiously because he has no other way of being acknowledged.
Winners are noticed through their vibe, and don’t even have to say anything to make their presence known.
In this era of hyper-stimulation, it’s crucial for you to maximize the shine of your own personal product.
When You Increase The Value of Your Focus, You Increase The Value of Your Attention
How can you do so?
By investing it well.
The various wealth you create with your focus stays with you.
It’s broadcast throughout your internal monologue.
The subjective social reality you experience is held up by the personal pillars you’ve developed.
This is why I stress the importance of meditation in developing your focus.
The lack thereof is one of the biggest impediments to success.
When you concentrate on one thing for a long period of time (the nothingness within your own mind), you reclaim ownership over your attention.
This allows you to channel it with greater intention so as to get the results you truly desire.
Do you direct your attention mindlessly or purposefully?
Want help mastering your attention?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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