3 steps to building a strong sales pipeline

3 Steps To Building A Strong Sales Pipeline

Business is an input-output game.

It’s a process of attention alchemy.

The input = qualified targeted attention.

The output = money.

When you remove the emotion and run the numbers, you can create predictable inputs and get predictable results.

If you aren’t getting the results you want, there’s an issue with your pipeline (sales funnel).

90%+ of sales problems are fixed by filling your pipeline (lead flow).

  • You get more “at-bats”
  • You can sell more even if you suck
  • There’s a tangible sense of abundance

and MORE.

Here are 3 steps to building a strong sales pipeline:

1. Fix Leaky Pipes = Marketing

If your marketing is shit, your pipeline is leaking.

(Leads are dripping away).

Common problems:


2. Fix Water Pressure = More Leads (Ads, SEO, Social Media, Outreach)

If there isn’t enough of a flow through your pipeline, there won’t be much of an output.

(Low water pressure).

No leads = nothing to work with.

Your pipeline volume must be at least 3x your revenue target.


Get more leads to the top of your funnel using:

If you have 0 leads, you will make 0 sales.

Obvious right?

Yet, you will be surprised how many people neglect their lead flow.

3. Install New + Efficient Pipes = Automate + Build Systems

Here’s where you build out your process to make it flow smoother.

  • Automation
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Outsourcing
  • Work-flows + Email flows
  • Follow up

This saves a ton of time and energy by removing you from working IN your biz.

Instead, you work ON your biz and do higher leverage work such as:


If you implement these strategies, I 100% guarantee you will make more money.

(Any other outcome is mathematically impossible).

Try it yourself and thank me later.

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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.