People don’t have “business problems”.
They have personal problems that are reflected in their business.
- Habits
- Beliefs
- And perceived traits
Are what make you successful.
This is why the #1 bottleneck to your business growth is always YOU.
YOU are your only limit.
“Business” is just personal development you get paid for.
Your progress is limited by the choices you make and the perceptions you hold.
You CHOOSE, every moment, who you are by:
- The choices you make
- The beliefs you hold
- And so on.
Growth = identifying which ones are holding you back and solving them FAST.
Want to learn more about this? Great. So read on.
Habits are the building blocks of your future.
Inputs lead to outputs.
If you aren’t getting the right outputs, you have to change your inputs.
Common inputs that are lacking:
- Generating Traffic + Filling Your Pipeline
- Sending Messages
- Making Offers
- Follow-ups
And why are people lacking with these inputs?
A: they don’t have the character traits to drive them.
- Discipline
- Conviction
- Confidence
Which brings us to the next point.
Beliefs create actions which create character.
The only real “limit” you have is the ceiling of your beliefs.
Here are some examples:
Thinking Big vs. Small
- If you think small, you cap your ceiling and get small results.
- If you think big, you will get bigger results.
Focusing on Failures vs. Wins
- If you look for a reason to fail / quit, you will find it.
- If you look for a reason to keep going, you will find it.
Assumed Difficulty vs. Ease
- If you think it will be hard, you will make it hard.
- If you think it will be simple, you won’t create unnecessary friction.
Abundance vs. Scarcity
- If you believe in abundance, you will act like it.
- If you believe in scarcity, you won’t see opportunity.
There’s a quote that says:
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.
And it’s true.
Mindset is and always will be the defining factor.
“Optimization” isn’t nearly as important as the games you have to play with your mind to unlock peak performance.
High achievers such as Lebron James understand this VERY well.
(Who spends over a million dollars on his performance training every year).
Not when it gives him a $35,650,000+ yearly return.
Run the numbers on that… HOMIE.
Perceived Traits
Your self-image controls how much subconscious skill you have access to based on what it views to be true about you.
If it views you as a weak loser, you will act that way.
If it views you as a champion who is on top of his shit, you will act that way.
If you have issues acting in a successful way, you might have subconscious blocks around certain topics.
- “rich people are evil“
- “success takes away from others”
- “it isn’t realistic for people like me to win at sales”
However, none of these are objectively true.
These are simply associations someone has made in their head.
(And these associations keep the person locked in a mental prison).
Every time he comes close to escaping, the “internal thermostat” goes off and he returns to baseline.
The solution?
Brainwash yourself with positive repetition, reinforcement, and surroundings until the weak beliefs dissolve.
Your #1 bottleneck is always YOU.
The good news is, your goals literally WANT to happen.
(You’re just in the way).
When you clear the resistance and accept the outcome, you will step into a better life than you could have ever dreamed of.
Need help doing this?
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.