What are the 11 traits of a normie?
When you played video games as a kid, there were main characters and there were bystanders.
These bystanders are “NPC’s”.
NPC = non playable character.
It also turns out NPC’s exist in real life as well.
A large % of the population has no inner-monologue.
They also have no visualization ability.
(Can’t rotate an apple in their mind).
And it doesn’t stop there…..
A normie:
- Takes The Path Of Least Resistance In Everything
- Has A Mind Shaped By Mainstream Inputs
- Defines Identity Through Consuming
- Spends All Their Free Time Consuming
- Supports The Current Thing
- Has Zero Critical Thought
- Has A Scarcity Mindset
- Is Late To Everything
- Never Takes Risk
- Has No Initiative
- Leaves No legacy
In other words, they are 100% a drone.
Their life is literally a blob of base impulses.
ZERO control, discipline, and vision.
(A pure lack of awareness).
Let’s go deeper.
1. Takes The Path Of Least Resistance In Everything
This causes him to live life by default.
- Has no real principles
- Makes “friends” of convenience
- Follows the life script handed to him
He is simply a bag in the wind, floating wherever the strongest wind pulls him.
(And most of these winds do NOT have his best interest in mind).
In the hierarchy of entropy, he’s at the very bottom.
2. Has A Mind Shaped By Mainstream Inputs
If something isn’t:
- Parroted by “experts”
- Featured in their favorite TV show
- Or shown in billionaire-owned media outlets
it doesn’t exist in a normie’s mind.
Anything outside of this “world” is dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” or “woo woo” bullshit.
3. Defines Identity Through Consuming
A normie isn’t centered in his own gravity and never creates anything of his own.
He isn’t even the main character in his own life.
This leaves him no choice but to look outward for meaning.
- The achievements of other people
- Political parties
- Sports teams
- Fandoms
- Foodies
- Weed
He only knows how to relate to others in terms of what they consume.
4. Spends All Their Free Time Consuming
A normie has zero meaningful hobbies or interests outside of instant gratification.
All his free time is spent indulging and trying to run away from himself.
Normies never improve because they consume the worst the world has to offer in terms of food and information.
5. Supports The Current Thing
Every month there’s a new outrage.
A normie blindly supports whatever is trending regardless of his knowledge on the topic.
He simply sees what all the major media outlets are saying and agrees.
(Anything to get validation and approval from the herd).
6. Has Zero Critical Thought
A normie has never had a single thought of his own.
His conversation is 100% scripted soundbites from the news + TV shows.
He even tries to re-create the lives of goofy sitcom characters and then wonders why nothing goes his way.
7. Has A Scarcity Mindset
Since a normie lives with a scarcity mindset, it’s a 100% guarantee he will backstab you over crumbs of:
- $
- pussy
- or validation.
Not IF, but WHEN.
Normies don’t care about playing the long game.
They want it all NOW.
This pull towards instant gratification ruins their incentive structure.
(Which is what determines long-term success).
8. Is Late To Everything
A normie is always late to everything.
- Work
- Trends
- Opportunities
- Appointments
They only do what’s “popular”.
They don’t value / respect their own time and will DAMN SURE not value yours.
However, success LOVES speed and early-movers.
(Which is the complete polar opposite to how normies live).
This is why they NGMI.
9. Never Takes Risk
A normie hates anything that has an uncertain outcome.
This guarantees they never enter “payoff space” where all the magic happens.
Their reality has already been capped.
They’ve boxed themselves in with self-created walls and ceilings.
10. Has No Initiative
A normie is unable to do anything without hand-holding.
They can only do what’s already pre-approved or what will give them validation.
This means they will 100% NOT have your back when it matters.
11. Leaves No Legacy
The end result of all these traits?
No legacy.
If you never do anything worth remembering, people won’t remember you.
All 11 of these traits are created by the same base impulses.
Normies are ruled by:
- Fear
- Greed
- Approval from the herd
- And instant gratification.
This means they are in constant need of buying things.
And if you know how to provide these solutions for them, they could end up making you rich.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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